superviser harassment

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I am an employee for a city i work on the sanitation dept and i am next in line for my supervisors position he is going to be on vacation for a week and am suppose to be the driver we are working short handed so we asked for some help from the street boss and he gave us a guy to help but he will only give us help if he drives the truck but at the same time our rule book says it is to be the low man on the totem pole to help us and i am to be the driver that is not right because i will not get drivers pay if i dont i was just wondering if anyone feels i have a harassment case and what actions i need to take i was thinking of filing a grievence on him but am affraid it will get me fired what do i need to do
On the basis of what you have posted, no, you do not have anything even remotely resembling a harassment case.

You are free to file a grievance with your union but nothing in your post suggests that you have any legal recourse.
Some punctuation would have made your post a lot easier to read.

I agree with cbg. There is no harassment taking place nor has anything unlawful occurred. Your recourse is to file a grievance with your union.
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