Supervisor spreading personal/confidential information

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I have recently be told that I cannot work at my job anymore because of a registry exam the facility requires you to obtain. I have tried numerous times to pass this exam and was unsuccessful each time. This test is not required by the state and is not a national requirement to preform my job. I did, however, ask my employer for educational help in order to pass this exam. I was told no to all questions asked.
After all is said and done, I found out recently that my supervisor has been telling my personal confidential information reguarding this and other issues to my co-workers. How do I go about handling this? Do I even have anything to handle? Do I go to Human Resources or should I just keep my mouth shut?
Your supervisor isn't violating any laws. Only medical information your employer may have that is obtained through their group health plan is protected.

I don't know if it was appropriate to tell coworkers that you failed to pass the test. I can at least imagine that there might be some valid reason ("How come we have to do this and brco doesn't?") but if you think your supervisor has behaved inappropriately, then your recourse is to discuss the matter with HR>
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