support payments and payments to exes attorney?

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I have a good male friend who is divorced with one child left out of 3 who is elegible for

child support. He is unemployed. It was found that he is unemployed through fault of his

own. That being terminated from a company who he worked for for 20+ yearsfor having said to

a female as he passed her in the parking lot that she looked hot. This was in Wisconsin. In

March. So it wasn't as if she was dressed sexily. It was just an expression that he had

heard before from his teenaged kids and others out in public that was just meant as an

innocent compliment. I KNOW he Never touch this girl, harassed her made a pass at this girl

or anything else. He is currently STILL unemployed as far as a permanent position despite

applying and interviewing. He has worked some jobs as far as getting some money coming in at

times but they were not permanent situations.

But that is beyond what I am seeking advice on. Even though not employed, he had money saved

up from his previous employer so still made the court appointed child support for 2 years

before going to get the amount reduced when his middle son had become 18. When in court on

that, their calculations were made as if he was still making $60k a year. So it dropped from

close to $1300 a month down to $800.

So all of the overpayments were figured at that $800 which was based on the $60k a year that

he was not making. They did that from the time his one sone had gotten a diploma desoit the

fact that he had to go get a GED to graduate whichj was done in February and was 18 in April.

The court commisioner told him that in June, he had a diploma in hand to go out and search

for employment. Well he had a GED in hand in Feb, so what is the difference. So the

overpayments were figured from June on. They also deducted from the overpayment half the

cost for orthodontia that in an earlier court said he was not responsible for but the court

commissioner stated she did not here that in the tapes that she listened to from the earlier

date. SHE was the one who saw over the earlier appearance. So he was hit with that AND

attornies fees for his ex. There was a hearing on April 4th in which he was supposed to be

called for. Despite calling into a number that was on the correspondence at the scheduled

time, being told that he was going to be called and then waiting for an hour.

Then on Friday the 6th when I talked him, he said he got 2 mails from her attorney stating

that he was found in contempt of court for not complying with an order from the 2nd

appearance that he supply the attorney with a list of jobs he had applied for, his income tax

returns and 1099s for some investments he had. HE DIDN'T HAVE THE 1099s so rather than send

them in by Feb 16th as was stated, (and I know he kept calling the establishment that he

needed them from for 2 months before getting them towards theh end of March), he sent

everyting in at the end of March when he had it all. So they DID get everything that was

asked. He said that the letter also said that he owed $500 attorneys fees for his ex.

Is he just being punished because he didn't thin a simple thing like getting child support

reduced needed an attorney? I have heard stories from others how when they had to move out

of state because of his employment, she filed for unemployment even though she had quit the

company. When he told her she couldn't get unemployment from a job that she quit, she told
him that she was taking it to arbitration because they "owed" her. She is applying that same

mentality to screwing him! Spending $800 a month on the one son? I don't think so. It is

just her "fun" money. I say that because I have heard couples who just got major item

purchase like the one time a speed boat saying how they got it with the child support money

that they had been receiving from a previous husband so it really didn't cost them anything!

Is there ANYTHING that he can do to combat this travesty????!!!!
If you would cut this in half and leave out all the editorial comments, you may get more help.

Anyway, if you don't like your child support, appeal it.
You posted this on another board and got responses.

This is your friends problem, not yours.

It is not up to you to decide how much he should pay in CS. Your friend made an inappropriate, unprofessional comment at work and deserved to get fired.

He needs to get some sort of employment and if he feels his Cs obligation is too high, then he needs to put in for an adjustment. Simple as that.
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