Suspended pending further investigation

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New Member
I was suspended in October pending further investigation.

I worked for company A for a year before Company B bougt them out. I signed on with the new company and was told that I had an excellent chance of getting my own store.

This is a conveneience store and I became concerned when they still did not have cameras or any kind of security. Shortages were abundant and I stated that I would rather not work until cameras were place.
Some head trainers came in and investigated. One informed me that they were thinking of giving me that store because the manager was not following procedures. I was .My manager and I had been the best of friends until this time. I told the trainer that I would if my manager gave it up or something. We were having problems with a particular employee stealing money from registers- not just his but others. However we could not prove this. He was coming in the store when employees took out trash and getting cash out of registers.

Exactly one week after being told about possibly getting the store, I was accused of theft of lottery and cash by my manager and her best friend ( the District Manager). And was told that I was suspended pending further investigation.I did not do this and had no prior history of any kind of misconduct. I called the TWC and they told me to file unemployment. I did and the store did not appeal or deny until after I received $756 in unemployment. Since, I have had 1 of 2 hearings appeals and all I want is this off my employment record. I have been so stressed that my new employer may find this out! Please help
What and where do you think this "employment record" is?
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