suspension pending termination

I was called in office to oct 19 to speak with store manager and loss prevention. apparently without any recollection inadvertently failed to ring up 3 rx's ( work in walgreens pharmacy) in Sept.No one had brought this to my attention till yesterday, I was not written up or even spoken to by my pharmacy manager, I am shown on security footage ringing up other items then placing rx's in bag, Patient received meds, Are they liable for not bringing this to my attention much much earlier so I could correct my behavior, I questioning was extremely intimidating and LP implied that I was stealing. but when I asked them the said 'Did I ever say the word thief/" i have been a loyal faithful employee for the pharmacy for 18 years, Should I resign or bust them for taking so long to correct issue, Why should I be terminated with out any' write up" or verbal reprimand, thanks for your advise. i questioned with 2 theoretical situations which had nothing to do with my situation. like he was trying to get me confess to something. it was good cop bad cops thing. I felt so overwhelmed and he asked me if I remembered the incidents, If I had i wouldn't have done it in the first place,
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At will employees, can be terminated at the employer's pleasure.

Your confession isn't needed to terminate you.

Your behavior may guide the company's decision to now contact the police, file a report, have the matter investigated, with criminal charges potentially issuing against you.

At this point, your smart play is wait and see.

You're probably going to be terminated at the least.
Barring a legally binding and enforceable contract that expressly and in so many words says otherwise, there is no legal requirement that you be given a warning and there is no legal requirement that you be given a chance to correct your behavior. It may or may not be fair. Based on what you have posted it is legal.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. As a Loss Prevention Professional I have conducted many interviews like you describe and they did nothing wrong or anything can prevent action against you. It was also unwise to name your employer.
At very least expect to be fired at worse to be charged criminally. Answer no further questions admit to nothing and sign no documents
Agree that employer did not do anything wrong/illegal & you can be terminated without any type of warning (unless there is a binding employment contract to the contrary) & further action can also be taken against you.

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