Taekwondo Instructor and threat to minor child


New Member
I appreciate your time to make this site possible and I will endeavor to be brief. I am a father of a 12 year old boy. My son has taken karate classes for 5 years. Over that 5 year period the instructor has really shown his true colors. He has always talked really bad to the kids and i chalked it up to is office. I thought maybe he knows more about discipline form his self proclaimed 30 years teaching. I could go one with examples and lists of cringe worthy attitudes and moodiness, and children and adults leaving and not returning, but I'll let that be unless it's requested.

I would like to tell what happened last which was last night 8/15/2018 at 5:30 pm. The instructor has lost several students due to him stating they weren't ready to test for their black belts. Yet all of a sudden a 11 year old has been awarded his black belt. We thought that weird but felt great about the kid getting it. My son started this school at the same time as this new black belt kid, but my son did required foot surgery and was off for several months so naturally he should have fell behind in training.

Last night we all could tell the owner/instructor was in one of his frequent holier than thou attitudes and his contradictions were rampant. to get to the point my son and the knew black belt sparred and my son bested the black belt. All that really happened was that the kid and my son tangled legs kicking at the same time and the black belt fell. But before this a blue belt girl had accidentally bloodied the blackbelts nose and several other kids of lower belts had bested him. I suspect the instructor to issue with this due to all of the parents watching. Nevertheless when my son sparred with the kid and he fell, the instructor stood watching and bent over my son and mumbled something that my wife and i couldn't make out 30 yards across the room. He said "someday you'll get yours" while holding his stop watch in a threatening manner.

My son is now scared too death that this man is going to hurt him. The adult man made my son feel like a bully. Asked several times last night if the instructor knew where we lived after we finally got him to tell us what he said. I am done with the whole thing, making excuses for the instructor my son is not going back. My question is : should I file a police report and is there a way I may get the $900 dollars of paid money back. We paid up front and there is a contract yet I feel we need some satisfaction. It must not go on. My son loved taekwondo, is a red belt, and this is the only school in our small area so his dream is crushed. My path was to file a police report, my wife's was to call and ask for our unearned money to be returned or just let him keep it and never return our son there. If you were in my place what action would you take? I would like to teach this man this behavior is not tolerated . I simply just can't let it go, it doesn't feel right due to the fact my son is not the only one.
If my child were harmed (or in danger of being harmed), I'd worry more about the child's safety than a lousy $900.

If anyone believes a child has been abused, molested, or neglected; the police are available to take a complaint 24 hours a a day, 365 days a year (366 days during a leap year).

Alabama law is clear on reporting abuse and neglect of children under the age of 18.

If you are someone who comes in regular contact with children - – physician, a teacher, social worker, nurse, or day care worker, for example – you should be aware of your legal obligation to report incidents of suspected or obvious child abuse or neglect.

If you are a concerned citizen, neighbor, friend or family member who is aware of such incidents, you should make a report to those who can take action.

Please call your County Department of Human Resources or local law enforcement agency to report suspected abuse or neglect. Do not send reports of suspected abuse or neglect via email.

Alabama Department of Human Resources - TEMPLATE
I just wanted opinions on what others would do.

If is your child.
The opinions of only two people matter, the child's mother and father.
You've taken the child out of the class, bully for you.
The abusive, adult male will no longer be able to bully or abuse your child.

You can sue the bully for the return of your money in small claims, IF your contract permits it.
Otherwise, your remedy may await in mediation or arbitration.
To know for sure, read your contract.

You are also free to report any abuse you observed, or abuse your child reported to you, to law enforcement today.

Don't wait, don't delay, justice won't be served until you seek it.
If is your child.
The opinions of only two people matter, the child's mother and father.
You've taken the child out of the class, bully for you.
The abusive, adult male will no longer be able to bully or abuse your child.

You can sue the bully for the return of your money in small claims, IF your contract permits it.
Otherwise, your remedy may await in mediation or arbitration.
To know for sure, read your contract.

You are also free to report any abuse you observed, or abuse your child reported to you, to law enforcement today.

Don't wait, don't delay, justice won't be served until you seek it.
Thank you for your reply. You mention our contract. Wouldn't the owner/instructor be in breach of the contract by making a young boy scared to even come back to the school?
As you've described it, I fail to see a reasonable threat.
I would not bother with a police report as it may be difficult to identify any offense that might have occurred, and lack of any evidence would prevent prosecution.
You are unlikely to get your money back. That is likely covered in the contact.

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