Taking late fees out of monthly rent 1st..?

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My landlord has just informed that she took the late fees out of my months rent for March & that my rent has not been paid yet for March?!? Is this Legal?...(In Washington State) Thanks~ :(
What, if anything, does your lease say about your question?
Doesn't sound illegal to me.
What laws protect the tenant if the landlord will not supply a copy of the lease? We moved in july of 2007. she still has not given us our copy of the lease. We have requested it several times. She said she would get us a copy within a few days when we moved in. (10 months ago).
What laws protect the tenant if the landlord will not supply a copy of the lease? We moved in july of 2007. she still has not given us our copy of the lease. We have requested it several times. She said she would get us a copy within a few days when we moved in. (10 months ago).

What did you do with your copy you got when you signed it ten months ago?

Anyway, keep asking. You should have a copy.
Yes - under general accounting rules, the debt incurred FIRST is paid off FIRST so since the late fee(s) are for MARCH, subsequent payments would apply to them/it FIRST and then the rent for April...pay the late fees!!!
Maybe for the purposes of EVICTION, meaning the landlord can not accummulate them and then evict the tenant which is not what is happening according to OP.
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