Taking Property from my father

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My father owe $68,000 on back child support and he some how think he got ownership on my great grand mother house and right now he owes over $8,000 worth of taxes on the house. He don't have no type of income he haven't been staying in the house in over two years and he tried saleing the house but can't because he owe child support and he needs his simblings and cousin to sign so it can be sold and righ now no one is living in it and i was wondering how can i get ownership over his share before the city take it. Oh if i'm not mistakeing I believe my Great Grand Mother had an Will but i don't know how to find out how. I asked him if me and my family can stay in it and pay the taxes since i'm working but he told my no because he don't like me being in a relationship with my kids father. Tell me what can i do?
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The alleged child support your dad owes isn't owed to you, it's owed to your mother.

You have no claim to whatever share your dad has in the home.

What can you do?

Why, you can rent or buy a home.

But, you have no interest in any home your dad may own.

The only way you might get ownership in a home your dad owns (or has an interest in), is if he were die intestate (without a will).

As long as dad is alive, you can forget living in that home, unless you convince one of your aunts or uncles to let you live in the home.

As far as the alleged child support, that's owed to your mom.

I guess you could cross your fingers and buy a lucky lottery ticket?

My father owe $68,000 on back child support and he some how think he got ownership on my great grand mother house and right now he owes over $8,000 worth of taxes on the house. He don't have no type of income he haven't been staying in the house in over two years and he tried saleing the house but can't because he owe child support and he needs his simblings and cousin to sign so it can be sold and righ now no one is living in it and i was wondering how can i get ownership over his share before the city take it. Oh if i'm not mistakeing I believe my Great Grand Mother had an Will but i don't know how to find out how. I asked him if me and my family can stay in it and pay the taxes since i'm working but he told my no because he don't like me being in a relationship with my kids father. Tell me what can i do?
What if my uncle and Aunts want me to live in it but my father refuse his the only one that has an key to the house. Is there any way I can get one of them to write a letter stating that it's ok for me to stay there and have them to sign it and get it notirized. Will that help me. How can I find out if my great-grandmother had a will.
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What if my uncle and Aunts want me to live in it but my father refuse his the only one that has an key to the house. Is there any way I can get one of them to write a letter stating that it's ok for me to stay there and have them to sign it and get it notirized. Will that help me. How can I find out if my great-grandmother had a will.

I wouldn't do that.

I'd have your aunt and uncle discuss this with your father.

And, no, a notarized letter is of no probative value.

You can contact the clerk of the county (not district) court in the county your grandmother lived and/or died and see if a will was probated.

But, that doesn't matter, because had you been named in her will, you would have been contacted by the county court.

I think you would be better off renting an apartment on your own.

You are obviously not on your dad's Christmas list.

It is time to move on and forget this idea.
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