Teachers aide

Being screwed

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I am a teachers aid in oklahoma public schools. I need to know if it is legal for the public school system can require me to catheterize a student to keep my job?
I am a teachers aid in oklahoma public schools. I need to know if it is legal for the public school system can require me to catheterize a student to keep my job?

Legal or not, why would anyone other than the child's parents or a medical professional wish to do so?

It might be time for you to seek new employment.


You're in between a rock and a hard place, and its a lose, lose proposition.
Lots of school experience here, including with a school for severely disabled students. Depends on the type of catheter. I am assuming urine here as that is most common, but the outcome remains the same. Some for urine are entirely external and pretty straight forward to use. It may only require changing the tubing. Others should only be handled in a clinical setting.

Aides for disabled children frequently perform routine tasks of a medical nature. Assistance with toileting in all its forms is not unusual.

Now, whether or not you wish to do this is another matter. Unless it a type which is required to be performed in a clinical setting, the law won't get you out of it. Your union agreement or school system policies may address it, but that is going to be location specific.

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