Tenacious Citizens Force Election Integrity Investigation in Georgia / Trump won Georgia in 2020


Tenacious Citizens Force Election Integrity Investigation in Georgia

1. 36 hand count errors falsely added 6,695 to the total votes and ballots column. Factual Response To Georgia State Election Board 4

2. Fulton County's hand count/audit results included 528,035 ballots cast (includes the errors).

3. After correcting for the errors, the hand count/audit results total only 521,340 ballots cast

4. 521,340 is 7,437 ballots less than the certified Nov. 3rd total of 528,777.

5. 35 of the 36 errors benefited Joe Biden yielding him a net gain of 4,593 false votes.

6. The analysis from which the 36 errors were derived was only of the 148,318 Absentee ballots cast for one (1) of Georgia's 159 counties.

7. 6,695 out of 148,318 were falsely added, and therefore in error. Only considering the false votes/ballots added, the Fulton County hand-count/audit produced an error rate of 4.5 percent. The margin of victory for the Presidential race state-wide was 11,779 or .23 percent. Therefore, the hand-count/audit does not confirm or validate the results of the first count or the Recount- but firmly and substantially calls the results into question.

Follow the links in the article to read all the fillings.
1. 36 hand count errors falsely added 6,695 to the total votes and ballots column. Factual Response To Georgia State Election Board 4

2. Fulton County's hand count/audit results included 528,035 ballots cast (includes the errors).

3. After correcting for the errors, the hand count/audit results total only 521,340 ballots cast

4. 521,340 is 7,437 ballots less than the certified Nov. 3rd total of 528,777.

5. 35 of the 36 errors benefited Joe Biden yielding him a net gain of 4,593 false votes.

6. The analysis from which the 36 errors were derived was only of the 148,318 Absentee ballots cast for one (1) of Georgia's 159 counties.

7. 6,695 out of 148,318 were falsely added, and therefore in error. Only considering the false votes/ballots added, the Fulton County hand-count/audit produced an error rate of 4.5 percent. The margin of victory for the Presidential race state-wide was 11,779 or .23 percent. Therefore, the hand-count/audit does not confirm or validate the results of the first count or the Recount- but firmly and substantially calls the results into question.

What is done in the dark, is often revealed in the light.

That said, that was yesterday.

The same old scam has once again been deployed.

Why not? It usually worked for Wile E. Coyote against his nemesis. "Roadrunner"!!!

Amid all the accusations, finger pointing, name calling, mud slinging, howling and yelling; the truth struggles to be heard.

Eventually, truth calls out, "I was there. I saw it all go down. Here's what I saw and heard".

Thanks to "Unholy Joe", Covid debacle, and his co-conspirator, "What's it's name"; the presidential election of 2020 will be known forever as the "who stole my votes" fiasco.
The linked article does not assert, as you did in this thread's title, that Trump won the election. It simply describes asserted flaws in the counting of the votes, including the claim of over 5,000 missing votes. The fact of the matter is that no one knows for whom those missing votes were cast and as a result any speculation that they'd have given Trump more votes is just that: speculation. I give the article credit for not jumping to the conclusion that these errors would have affected the outcome in Georgia. I also give the group pursuing this for making it clear that it is not interested in relitigating the 2020 election (which would not gain Trump anything at this point) but rather want to assure that the same errors don't occur in the upcoming election. That's a fair objective. Given the way that GA approached the 2020 it has long been my view that the state and counties needed to put a better system in place for 2024. That should have been done well before now. If they've not addressed the problems they had they have precious little time now to do it now. Hopefully the changes mentioned in the article will at least go a long way to assure that every vote is counted, and counted accurately, so we don't have to endure more months of litigation over the outcome after this election as we did after the last one.
The linked article does not assert, as you did in this thread's title, that Trump won the election. It simply describes asserted flaws in the counting of the votes, including the claim of over 5,000 missing votes. The fact of the matter is that no one knows for whom those missing votes were cast and as a result any speculation that they'd have given Trump more votes is just that: speculation. I give the article credit for not jumping to the conclusion that these errors would have affected the outcome in Georgia. I also give the group pursuing this for making it clear that it is not interested in relitigating the 2020 election (which would not gain Trump anything at this point) but rather want to assure that the same errors don't occur in the upcoming election. That's a fair objective. Given the way that GA approached the 2020 it has long been my view that the state and counties needed to put a better system in place for 2024. That should have been done well before now. If they've not addressed the problems they had they have precious little time now to do it now. Hopefully the changes mentioned in the article will at least go a long way to assure that every vote is counted, and counted accurately, so we don't have to endure more months of litigation over the outcome after this election as we did after the last one.
I just love the way you parse things. You're the one that keeps saying there were no irregularities in the 2020 election. Now we know differently. It took almost 4 years to get here in Georgia and obviously we can't undo the Biden administration. The election was stolen, and history will report it that way.
I just love the way you parse things. You're the one that keeps saying there were no irregularities in the 2020 election. Now we know differently. It took almost 4 years to get here in Georgia and obviously we can't undo the Biden administration. The election was stolen, and history will report it that way.
I don't believe that he ever stated what you claim. Please give a cite.
I just love the way you parse things. You're the one that keeps saying there were no irregularities in the 2020 election. Now we know differently. It took almost 4 years to get here in Georgia and obviously we can't undo the Biden administration. The election was stolen, and history will report it that way.

I've never said there were no "irregularities" with the 2020 election. What I've said is that so far there has never been proof that the election was stolen. And, as I pointed out in my earlier post, the article you linked doesn't make that claim, and what they've found so far isn't enough to show that Trump got more votes than Biden did. Until I see proof that Trump had the votes to win, I won't change my position that he lost the state as that is what the state certified and so far, despite all the efforts made, no one has uncovered anything that would definitively change the outcome. I'll change my mind if that ever happens.

From what I've seen of your posts my impression is that you dearly wanted Trump to win the election, which may be why you read into the article something that was not there: that Trump won. The article says nothing of the sort. Instead the article focused on problems that the group investigating found in Georgia's election process and noted that Georgia has already changed some of its procedures as a result. I had no particular problem with the article itself; its great that citizens are involved to make the election process better. That state should ensure it has procedures in place to accurately count every vote cast and systems in place to preserve the evidence of the vote count. Like I said earlier, I hope that Georgia has exactly that this Novemeber so we don't get months or years of court battles over it as we had after the 2020 election.

My only disagreement is with your claim that article proves Trump won when it clearly does not say that.
I don't believe that he ever stated what you claim. Please give a cite.

July 16th, 2024, Trump document case dismissed, post 13:
Tax Counsel said:
Given what I saw of the case he and his team made, and I did pay close attention to it, my conclusion is that he lost not because of fraud but because his presidency was far from perfect and the voters decided that his performance in the job was simply not good enough, despite some successes.

That is the last time he said it (that I can remember) and I know TC has said that several times before that. I'm not going to search for each post. He knows what he thinks and posted. Biden won fair and square. Bull.
I've never said there were no "irregularities" with the 2020 election. What I've said is that so far there has never been proof that the election was stolen. And, as I pointed out in my earlier post, the article you linked doesn't make that claim, and what they've found so far isn't enough to show that Trump got more votes than Biden did. Until I see proof that Trump had the votes to win, I won't change my position that he lost the state as that is what the state certified and so far, despite all the efforts made, no one has uncovered anything that would definitively change the outcome. I'll change my mind if that ever happens.
If you only read the article and not the complaint, then you wouldn't know what the evidence is. Did you read the complaint or not?

Amended complaint

From what I've seen of your posts my impression is that you dearly wanted Trump to win the election, which may be why you read into the article something that was not there: that Trump won. The article says nothing of the sort. Instead the article focused on problems that the group investigating found in Georgia's election process and noted that Georgia has already changed some of its procedures as a result. I had no particular problem with the article itself; its great that citizens are involved to make the election process better. That state should ensure it has procedures in place to accurately count every vote cast and systems in place to preserve the evidence of the vote count. Like I said earlier, I hope that Georgia has exactly that this Novemeber so we don't get months or years of court battles over it as we had after the 2020 election.

My only disagreement is with your claim that article proves Trump won when it clearly does not say that.
I'm dealing with the facts and findings in the complaint not the article. Now that the Georgia State Elections Board has voted to forward the complaint to the Georgia Attorney General for an independent investigation, we will just have to wait for the results. But don't hold your breath. The Georgia Court of Appeals never heard the challenge to the vote according to Georgia law in a timely fashion back in 2016 and still hasn't.

You are once again trying to pigeonhole me with your psychobabble about what I think. Please don't. Keep your posts to what you think, and I'll tell you what I think.
You are once again trying to pigeonhole me with your psychobabble about what I think. Please don't. Keep your posts to what you think, and I'll tell you what I think.

Even I couldn't be any fairer than your proposition states.
You are once again trying to pigeonhole me with your psychobabble about what I think. Please don't. Keep your posts to what you think, and I'll tell you what I think.

I'm not telling you what you think. I very clearly said what I think, in this case I pointedly said I was giving my impression from your posts. It may not be what you actually think, but it's the impression I get when I read what you write. Just as, btw, you've not been shy about saying what you think I said. So if you don't like that then let's see less of you stating what you think I said and do what you now claim you'll do: stick to telling us what you think and not reminate on what you think I said, including terms "psychobabble" to describe what I wrote. Just stick to what you think of the candidates and stay away from any characterization of what I said and I'll do the same. Fair enough?
Even I couldn't be any fairer than your proposition states.

l don't see the fairness in what you wrote. You don't attack Welkin when he does the same thing to me that you criticize me for doing. You are, or were a federal judge, so I would hope you know what it means to be impartial. I'd like to see a little of that here.
You are, or were a federal judge, so I would hope you know what it means to be impartial. I'd like to see a little of that here.

I'm as fair and balanced human being as any human being can be.

I'm not perfect.

I'll never be perfect.

By definition, no human being can be or was ever perfect.

That said, I strive each and every day to become better than I was yesterday.

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