Tenant didn't pay utility bill question

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New Member
So kind of a strange one.

I moved out of my house back in july, had the water and power disconnected.

I signed a lease that specified that the tenant pays all utility bills. The tenant moved in at the end of july.

I ended up evicting the tenant and they moved out in the middle of october.

I go over to the house and checked the mail last friday to find a letter from the county water utility addressed to the address but nobody's name on the envelope.

I opened it to find that they were going to cut off the water and not reconnect it until the current resident didn't pay for water usage, and a penalty.

Of course there is no "current resident" because I evicted them. The tenants I had apparently cut the lock off the meter and was stealing water the entire time.

Obviously I'm not to blame here, I had no idea they did this, the county let it go on for 3 months before sending the letter or doing the audit or whatever, but I fear that they may force me to pay it or not turn on the water for my next tenant. I have the lease and the Writ that shows they lived there and were evicted immediatly after I disconnected the water.

Who will have to pay for this?
The homeowner is ultimately responsible. You will need to collect from your tenant if you can locate them.
So kind of a strange one.

I moved out of my house back in july, had the water and power disconnected.

I signed a lease that specified that the tenant pays all utility bills. The tenant moved in at the end of july.

I ended up evicting the tenant and they moved out in the middle of october.

I go over to the house and checked the mail last friday to find a letter from the county water utility addressed to the address but nobody's name on the envelope.

I opened it to find that they were going to cut off the water and not reconnect it until the current resident didn't pay for water usage, and a penalty.

Of course there is no "current resident" because I evicted them. The tenants I had apparently cut the lock off the meter and was stealing water the entire time.

Obviously I'm not to blame here, I had no idea they did this, the county let it go on for 3 months before sending the letter or doing the audit or whatever, but I fear that they may force me to pay it or not turn on the water for my next tenant. I have the lease and the Writ that shows they lived there and were evicted immediatly after I disconnected the water.

Who will have to pay for this?

I would contact the water co. about this with a copy of the lease. the water co. could get the police involved with this as it is stealing a public utility, if its over a certain amount it will be a felony. Good luck.
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