Roomate Tenant wants to evict live-in Boyfriend

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I am the sole tenant of an apartment under a written lease in Pennsylvania (not Philadelphia or other city or township with their own landlord/tenant law). Two years ago my boyfriend moved into the apartment. My only checking and savings account is a joint account with the boyfriend. Any money we earn and all social security checks are deposited into the joint account. The rent is paid out of the joint account. We have never had an agreement about who is responsible for paying rent or other expenses. He has worked on and off during the 2 years. During the 2 years most of my income has come from social security disabiity, contract jobs, or my savings. For August's rent, one of my family members paid the rent. So he paid none of it. He has not worked for over 6 months, but now is eligible for social security (he's 65), so he has an income. I have terminated the relationship and want him to move out. He refuses. He recently stole my car and while driving it was stopped by the police and he was arrested for going the wrong way down a one-way street, not for theft. He has never physically hurt me or threatened to, though I have seen him punch someone else. He is capable of violence. He does no housework. He watches porn on the TV most days. He sleeps in the living room while watching porn with no clothes on or just his underwear. He has dated another woman and is a member of a web dating service. On what grounds may I evict him? Since there's no definitive agreement between us on any of the rental obligations, how can I claim he's breached any? He's simply a disgusting person and I don't want to live with him any more.
You can simply evict him using the guidelines in your state, PA.

As you'll discover, state law covers your arrangement.

You start by serving him with a notice to vacate.
Whatever you do must be done EXACTLY as the law requires.
The process takes six to twelve weeks, give or take.

There might be another option.
You could simply make arrangements to move.
If you're locked into the lease, evicting him might be your only option.
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If you are on good terms with your landlord see if the landlord will evict him.
It is a lengthy process.
If you want fast results you need to be the one who moves.
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