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i was hired in 2006 by walmart in burleson. bk ground check cleared or i wouldnt of gotten the job. started from stocking to support manager. new rules came from corporate ever since the new raise came in effect. well i had to have a bk ground check again. but now it came bk that i had criminal bk ground and cant sell fire arms. so they demoted me and took almost $2.00 from my raise. ive worked for walmart almost 10yrs now i was terminated for bringing my son to work for 1hr untill his brother camr to pick him up. i was working in produce had my son with me and kept him busy by helping me. i told them i didnt know it was a bad thing since it was just 1hr. i then went on vacation and 1st day right before i went to lunch i was called to office and was told that they had to terminate me for under the child labor lawas. didnt get no warning just straight termination. is there a case here or em i just wasting time .
i was hired in 2006 by walmart in burleson. bk ground check cleared or i wouldnt of gotten the job. started from stocking to support manager. new rules came from corporate ever since the new raise came in effect. well i had to have a bk ground check again. but now it came bk that i had criminal bk ground and cant sell fire arms. so they demoted me and took almost $2.00 from my raise. ive worked for walmart almost 10yrs now i was terminated for bringing my son to work for 1hr untill his brother camr to pick him up. i was working in produce had my son with me and kept him busy by helping me. i told them i didnt know it was a bad thing since it was just 1hr. i then went on vacation and 1st day right before i went to lunch i was called to office and was told that they had to terminate me for under the child labor lawas. didnt get no warning just straight termination. is there a case here or em i just wasting time .

Sorry, an employer can terminate an at will employee just because the day of week ends in a "Y".

That works two ways, because you are free to quit without notice, too.
You can be terminated at any time for any reason except for a reason prohibited by law (ie religion, race, gender.....) or unless you have a binding employment contract to the contrary. Sorry but your employer did not do anything illegal. They are also not required to give you any prior warning

You can file for unemployment ins. & look for other employment.

Good luck.
The store could have gotten into serious trouble for having a child "working". That was a very poor decision on your part. Now just imagine if dozens of employees were to bring their child to work for "just an hour". Craziness.
Agree. Using your employer as child care and especially having that child perform work, for which you are being paid, breaks multiple laws. Even if it was, "just for an hour", it shows a serious lack of judgment and I can totally understand why they legally fired you.

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