Criminal Trials, Hearings Thank you for the help in my battery case.


Figured I would take moment to thanks the folks here that provided useful info regarding my battery case. As a recap, I tried a case in municipal court with a charge of simple battery against me while recovering my stolen bicycle from a thief. I lost my trial in municipal court (no surprise) but finally got this dismissed after filing an appeal for De Novo jury trial in district court. They waited until the day of trial to see if I would show.

Thank you to the folks that provided useful assistance with this!
Figured I would take moment to thanks the folks here that provided useful info regarding my battery case. As a recap, I tried a case in municipal court with a charge of simple battery against me while recovering my stolen bicycle from a thief. I lost my trial in municipal court (no surprise) but finally got this dismissed after filing an appeal for De Novo jury trial in district court. They waited until the day of trial to see if I would show.

Thank you to the folks that provided useful assistance with this!

Please, for your sake, obey their stupid laws.
I say this as one who has won many criminal cases for others.
I don't tread on them, mate, nor do I trifle with them.
I go out of my way to obey, for the most part, their silly, oppressive laws.
Notice how cleverly and adroitly THEY make sure THEIR kind never gets prosecuted.
Be smart, avoid THEM, because eventually THEY'LL neb you.

How do I know?

I've watched over the years as several of my most notorious clients have eventually been locked away.

You see, those gentlemen mistook my skillful defense of their rights as a pass to make more mischief.

Congratulations on your appeal, but please no more self help remedies, no more poking your finger in the GIANT'S eye, for YOUR benefit only!

Please OBEY their laws, hold your nose as I do when I obey their laws, but avoid running afoul of them for your sake, pal.
I appreciate the advice. I am certainly not taking my success in this matter for granted and I genuinely hope I never have to deal with this sort of thing again. However, it does itch at me the way our system seemed to work in this case. I realize some people refuse to get behind my actions in this matter but I am still amazed how criminals are able to work the system to their advantage! In this case, we had no idea who took the property or where it was, but we were looking for it as many people might be. We just happened to find it.

I realize some people feel this is somehow a vigilante justice trip, but I also don't think everyone feels the same level of wrong with theft. Some people like myself feel it is more than just a property loss, but the invasion of our life/privacy/security. Some feel, "it is just property", to which I say "so, can I just have yours then?"

I guess when I was a kid, I watched as our family was victimized by a thief and literally stole a small motorcycle while we were standing in our yard, and us chasing this prick on foot. A motorcycle I had worked hard to build and repair, and the thief destroyed it in seconds, without one bit of remorse or compensation afterwards. I guess this set in a level of deep level of wrong with theft.

The sad thing is I actually still feel sorry for this young man! And had things went differently, I probably would have bought this kid a bike on my own dime! His mother lives off the government, thus depriving the kid of things we take for granted. He wanted a bike so bad, he was willing to steal one.
I appreciate the advice. I am certainly not taking my success in this matter for granted and I genuinely hope I never have to deal with this sort of thing again. However, it does itch at me the way our system seemed to work in this case. I realize some people refuse to get behind my actions in this matter but I am still amazed how criminals are able to work the system to their advantage! In this case, we had no idea who took the property or where it was, but we were looking for it as many people might be. We just happened to find it.

I realize some people feel this is somehow a vigilante justice trip, but I also don't think everyone feels the same level of wrong with theft. Some people like myself feel it is more than just a property loss, but the invasion of our life/privacy/security. Some feel, "it is just property", to which I say "so, can I just have yours then?"

I guess when I was a kid, I watched as our family was victimized by a thief and literally stole a small motorcycle while we were standing in our yard, and us chasing this prick on foot. A motorcycle I had worked hard to build and repair, and the thief destroyed it in seconds, without one bit of remorse or compensation afterwards. I guess this set in a level of deep level of wrong with theft.

The sad thing is I actually still feel sorry for this young man! And had things went differently, I probably would have bought this kid a bike on my own dime! His mother lives off the government, thus depriving the kid of things we take for granted. He wanted a bike so bad, he was willing to steal one.

I hope, for your sake, you have learned a valuable lesson.

The lesson is don't break their laws.

Go out of your way to obey their laws.

The recent event cost you far more than a lousy $200 bike.

You put far more time and effort in fighting them, than the damn bike was worth.

As I said, I love to watch "a minnow get away".

Their "whales" rarely feel the sting of what a criminal trial costs in lost sleep, missed meals, happiness, and enjoyment.

Criminal trials invade your every being, as do some civil trials.

Don't try to understand HOW you got off, just enjoy the freedom you've gained.

Think about that every day, and stay the hell out of their way.

THEY, as in the ruling, elite class are far more harmful to my well being than a million thugs.

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