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You right I am some what fearful of what will happen to this country with all these ideologies and contrasting cultures.

Trump and others of his ilk — left and right — are quite good at stoking those fears. And that is part of what drives the deep divisions in this country. Both parties see advantage in promoting the more extreme parts of their base, furthering the problem. I think there is a lot that most Americans would agree upon if given the chance. We could have more of that unity that I think most of us would like to have. But we have to start by insisting on candidates that support that rather than pandering to extremist ends of their parties.
Trump and others of his ilk — left and right — are quite good at stoking those fears. And that is part of what drives the deep divisions in this country. Both parties see advantage in promoting the more extreme parts of their base, furthering the problem. I think there is a lot that most Americans would agree upon if given the chance. We could have more of that unity that I think most of us would like to have. But we have to start by insisting on candidates that support that rather than pandering to extremist ends of their parties.

Just come on and say you are NO conservative, by his ilk referring to his voters proves that you have bought lock stock and barrel into what the liberal mainstream media tells you to believe.

The divisions of hate didn't start with Trump, the chain smoking O'Bama helped speed that along and his dementia orientated buddy that currently sits in the white house repeats the narrative on his approved DOJ note cards. Don't worry it won't be this that gets ole Joe beat in 2 years it will more than likely be uncontrollable inflation and price increases.

Good luck fixing the economy then,
Just come on and say you are NO conservative, by his ilk referring to his voters proves that you have bought lock stock and barrel into what the liberal mainstream media tells you to believe.

No, by his ilk I'm not referring to his voters — I'm referring to politicians that like him that use fear of others as one of their main rallying points.

I don't buy into what anyone tells me to believe. I start with facts and logic and go from there. That means some ideas advanced by liberals I'll support because, in fact, they do sometimes have good ideas. It also means that some ideas advanced by conservatives I'll oppose because, unfortunately, sometimes they advance stupid ideas. The unfortunate thing is that too many people in this country seem to regard political parties like they do sports teams and will support anything their "team" puts forward rather than thinking for themselves to determine if it's actually a good idea. You see that with both parties, and with both liberals and conservatives.

The divisions of hate didn't start with Trump,

I never said it did. But Trump is especially good at it.

Don't worry it won't be this that gets ole Joe beat in 2 years it will more than likely be uncontrollable inflation and price increases.

A lot can happen in three years. The best thing that the Republicans can do to win in 2024 is run a competent candidate. That means, as a starter, not picking Trump again.
No, not the entire Democrat party, nor the entire Republican party. But it seems to me between the two that currently sadly it is my own Republican party that plays on fear more.

Republicans have not been in power now for over 7 months, so you should check your news sources or see who is throwing the propaganda out there. Since the democrats controls the narrative currently.
No, not the entire Democrat party, nor the entire Republican party. But it seems to me between the two that currently sadly it is my own Republican party that plays on fear more.

Come on TM. The Dems have been running based on fear for years. Fear of guns is but one of their long-time targets. But now they have fear of Covid, fear that the nanny government won't take 100% care of you, fear that orange man was going to overthrow democracy, fear that the elections are being controlled from Russia.
Yeah that bullchit that they were behind the Orange Man since 2016 is just laughable. When in fact Russia and China both benefit from weak USA leadership such as O'Bama and Biden.

What a joke...
Come on TM. The Dems have been running based on fear for years.

So have the Republicans. They stoke fear of non white, non straight males — fear of immigrants, fear of people of people of color, especially blacks, fear of anyone LBGTQ+, particularly today fear of trans persons, fear of people who practice religions other than Christianity, especially of Islam. Republicans are dividing the American people among themselves based on those fears, which is destroying the unity this country needs to meet the challenges it has.

Fear of guns is but one of their long-time targets.

I'll give you that one.

But now they have fear of Covid,

The Trump administration and many Republican governors ignored SCIENCE to pander to their bases desires to avoid the inconvenience of wearing masks and practicing social distancing. They still today refuse to encourage their supporters to get the vaccine, and some still actively promote silly conspiracy theories about the vaccine. I cringe every time I see it. It's one of the clearest indicators of how screwed up the party currently is. I won't give the party any high marks for its Covid response.

fear that orange man was going to overthrow democracy,

Based on Trump's actions in January, I think that fear was justified. Even the military feared that; it had a contingency plan drawn up to address it.

fear that the elections are being controlled from Russia.

Trump and his most ardent Republican minions are the ones that pushed the false notion of a fraud vote narrative. I guessed you overlooked that.

None of this is to stay that I find the Democratic narrative compelling. I don't. But Democrats don't use fear to the same extent Republicans do. Rather, they use anger — anger at the rich, anger at corporations, anger at police, anger at what they perceive to be unjust treatment of others, etc.
Military is supposed to remain impartial during times of civil unrest, but somehow I doubt they would remain so. Trump is a sore loser and has no political experience, I think that ultimately hurt him. Every speech he gave, or statement he made was edited to make it look more like something it wasn't when their was nothing he really could do as they all were on the attack constantly.

The division is bad, and no one is changing anyone's minds or making them suddenly move another direction. Blue states will remain Blue and Red states will for the most part remain RED.
So have the Republicans.

You have been overwhelmed with the crap from the left. The negativity of all of those groups with one exception isn't fear. It is simply not wanting to be a victim or target of crime, something they believe is a sin or the outright destruction of our country.

I know that you think that the arrest and conviction numbers that show that blacks commit more crime per capita than non-blacks are an artifact of racist police but it isn't.

If a person doesn't like the LGBTQ+ doesn't mean they are scared of them. They may just not like the kind of lifestyle that could come up with a song about gays coming after your children or do children library reading days is a costume that has a dildo hanging out of it.

As far as fear of Islam. Well, there may be something there. It was only 20 years ago that a bunch of crazy Muslims attacked our country and killed thousands of people. Islam is a religion of forceful conversion and has been since well before you or I were a twinkle in our father's eyes.

Based on Trump's actions in January, I think that fear was justified. Even the military feared that; it had a contingency plan drawn up to address it.

And what action did he take exactly. He questioned the election. An election that was decided by an unheard of a number of mail-in ballots that really can't be confirmed. The military has a plan for everything including an attack by space aliens.

Rather, they use anger — anger at the rich, anger at corporations, anger at police, anger at what they perceive to be unjust treatment of others, etc.

But they create anger via fear. And to make it worse they do it in a way that is guaranteed to further divide the nation. Trump didn't get elected because he created division. He was elected because there was already division.
Trump is a sore loser and has no political experience, I think that ultimately hurt him. Every speech he gave, or statement he made was edited to make it look more like something it wasn't when their was nothing he really could do as they all were on the attack constantly.

Trump was definitely a sore loser, to the point of fabricating claims of election fraud hoping that would somehow save the day for him. And his speeches didn't need to be edited to make the man look bad, he did just fine making himself look like a clown all by himself.

You have been overwhelmed with the crap from the left.

Hardly. I see quite clearly what both major political parties do which is why I'm currently disgusted with both of them. On the other hand, I get the impression that you don't look too closely at what Republican politicians say and are all too willing to buy what they put out without taking much effort to separate the truth from the BS.

Trump was definitely a sore loser, to the point of fabricating claims of election fraud hoping that would somehow save the day for him. And his speeches didn't need to be edited to make the man look bad, he did just fine making himself look like a clown all by himself.

The problem that you keep believing that is wasn't election fraud that got Joe and the veep elected then you are out of your mind, or just can not see the facts. Boxes and boxes of mail in ballots enough to overcome any deficient Trump had put on them magically appearing in the dark of the night does not make a valid election. You could re run that election with voter ids and proper voting with no DOMINION voting machines and see what the outcome would be? Either way the election went, half of the country would be happy and the other half pissed. Just the way it is, hopefully this new election reform will help eliminate the wrong mail in ballots. Just because you believe the BIG LIE (which is actually the truth) then nothing will convince you otherwise. They have already proven several ballots were co oped and not even the person voting in multiple states just go to duck duck go and do some searches that don't come from google, you-tube, or twitter.

The truth is we are stuck with a week mid stage dementia patient as president and a power hungry veep who slept her way to the top of the food chain. Great for the world, bad for the average American.

Like I said with election reform, and the democrats singing crying for the fraud to continue. Then we should be able to have a fair and accurate election next time right?
The problem that you keep believing that is wasn't election fraud that got Joe and the veep elected then you are out of your mind, or just can not see the facts.

I look at the facts, not speculation. Trump wasn't able to present any factual evidence of fraud in any of the multiple court cases that he filed trying to overturn the results of the election. That the cases ended up being dismissed based on insufficient complaints tells you just how little proof he had. Instead he filled those court complaints on little but weak speculation.

He lost. He just couldn't bring himself to accept it. As he said himself before he was elected, he hates losing and he's whiner. He whines until he gets what he wants. The aftermath of the election is an excellent illustration of that. Most any other Republican would handled himself/herself better than he did in that situation.

Either way the election went, half of the country would be happy and the other half pissed.

That part I agree with. And if we want this country to survive, we need to find some things around which most Americans can unify. The problem is the neither party really has interest in doing that. Both instead see advantage in playing on the things that divide us.
I look at the facts, not speculation. Trump wasn't able to present any factual evidence of fraud in any of the multiple court cases that he filed trying to overturn the results of the election. That the cases ended up being dismissed based on insufficient complaints tells you just how little proof he had. Instead he filled those court complaints on little but weak speculation.

He lost. He just couldn't bring himself to accept it. As he said himself before he was elected, he hates losing and he's whiner. He whines until he gets what he wants. The aftermath of the election is an excellent illustration of that. Most any other Republican would handled himself/herself better than he did in that situation.

I would have been pissed too if I lost to a lazy campaign that spent more time in the bunker than out in front of crowds and then when they did rallies only 10 people showed up. Good luck at finding any federal judge willing to sign off on that anyway. I am sure they were not going to sign over their own pay check to allow an injunction to over turn the election. The down side of that happening would be civil war, period.
I would have been pissed too if I lost to a lazy campaign that spent more time in the bunker than out in front of crowds and then when they did rallies only 10 people showed up. Good luck at finding any federal judge willing to sign off on that anyway. I am sure they were not going to sign over their own pay check to allow an injunction to over turn the election. The down side of that happening would be civil war, period.

I'm not surprised that your view would be that the judges weren't doing their job because you seem to have bought Trump's lies hook, line, and sinker. For you nothing would convince you that Trump lost because you apparently can't conceive that a majority of voters could have rejected him. So anything contrary to the Trump narrative must be part of some conspiracy against him. :rolleyes:
I'm not surprised that your view would be that the judges weren't doing their job because you seem to have bought Trump's lies hook, line, and sinker. For you nothing would convince you that Trump lost because you apparently can't conceive that a majority of voters could have rejected him. So anything contrary to the Trump narrative must be part of some conspiracy against him. :rolleyes:

LOL, sure. Keep watching CNN for the latest next update on the BIG LIE, they just have to have their weekly conference call with O'Bama first to get the narrative, then they have to tell the DOJ the correct note cards to give to Biden so he doesn't get confused.
I would have been pissed too if I lost to a lazy campaign that spent more time in the bunker than out in front of crowds and then when they did rallies only 10 people showed up. Good luck at finding any federal judge willing to sign off on that anyway. I am sure they were not going to sign over their own pay check to allow an injunction to over turn the election. The down side of that happening would be civil war, period.
Biden didn't have rallies because we were/ know...having a DEADLY PANDEMIC. He put aside what would most benefit himself and his campaign to try and keep people safe. And then there's Super Spreader Trump who didn't give a fig about anyone but himself.

Had trump actually done his job as president during the pandemic he might have been reelected. But he didn't. And he wasn't.

Just in my family, both here in Nevada and back home in Massachusetts, I had a dozen+ relatives that voted for him in 2016. Not one of them voted for him in 2020.

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