The Love and Joy Fest at the DNC

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US Federal Law
How fake the narrative is turning out. They all hate each other. Funny to watch. Taken at the convention yesterday.
Harris and Walz at the DNC.JPG
How fake the narrative is turning out. They all hate each other. Funny to watch. Taken at the convention yesterday.

And how fake is your post? It's people like you who have made politics what it is today.

You've taken one frame out of context and trash talked it. Or maybe you found the photo online someplace, copied it and mindlessly trash talked it without investigating.

I don't support Democrats but I also don't support mudslinging.

I don't know why Walz looks like a sourpuss but here is how that scene actually played out frame by frame as Harris and Walz were reacting to a speaker making favorable comments about them and Biden.

The numbers are the locations of the frames. Starting at approximately 5:23:25 through 5:23:35. You can watch the video yourself.









How do you conclude "they all hate each other" from a photo like that? In any event they don't have to like each other to be effective.
You are as blind as a bat. The convention is a bad Broadway show. Keep watching.
And how fake is your post? It's people like you who have made politics what it is today.
That photo was all over the news yesterday. I did not single it out.
You can delete the thread if you like.
How do you conclude "they all hate each other" from a photo like that? In any event they don't have to like each other to be effective.

Who cares about the DNC other than other Democrats? I do not watch it, do not listen to them, and do not care what they do. They do not represent me and have no interest in representing or wanting my vote. I could care less if they implode, die or whatever. I am indifferent to them and their party. I do care about them suppressing, trying to accomplish an assassination, lock up the opposition to them.

JD Vance was on Nelk Boys and Trump on Theo Vonn-- Kamala won't even give interviews and while being pumped on everything MSM media still won't do it. So what is her message? She has been the VP for 4 years and has ZERO accomplishments other than making things worse. Theo said he would love to interview Kamala, Time mag puts her on the cover and would like an interview. Instead crickets is the result. If they had a message or something they stand behind then they would say it. Instead it is a racial racist clown show made to look like an actual movement.

Vance said that half the country is devoted to party just like the republicians- His role is to bring his message to the American people. Democrats better craft a message or else they will not be successful in November.
Is that your excuse for posting it? That it was all over the internet?
I said it was all over the news networks not the Internet. You would have to know the dynamics between all the democratic elites to understand what is really going on. For example, Biden on day one of the convention for his swansong but not in prime time. Day one, when all the C speakers talk, Biden finished his speech after midnight. That showed respect don't you think? Half the country was already asleep. Did he stay for the convention? No, he flew to CA for a vacation on the beach. They (the democrats) didn't want him anywhere near the convention.

If you are actually watching the convention, you see that there is no policy on anything being presented. It is all lies about Trump, his record, and his threat to the Democracy. If I was a physic professor, I would use this convention as an example of projection. Trump will weaponize the DOJ. That is exactly what the Biden administration did. Trump will turn the FBI into the secret police. Exact what Biden did. It's all just bull sh*t. Oh, and yes Obama praising himself once again.

Note: Since the convention started (2 days ago) Harris has dropped 3 points in the national polls. The honeymoon is over! The American people see this ticket for what it is.
Note: Since the convention started (2 days ago) Harris has dropped 3 points in the national polls. The honeymoon is over! The American people see this ticket for what it is.





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Trump will weaponize the DOJ. That is exactly what the Biden administration did. Trump will turn the FBI into the secret police. Exact what Biden did. It's all just bull sh*t.

You do know what a secret police force is like, right? The Soviet Union's KGB, Nazi Germany's Gestapo, East Germany's infamous Stasi, etc? When those organizations were at full strength citizens would disappear without a trace after taking position the government didn't like. If the family was lucky they might find the body sometime later. Or they'd target political opponents by arresting them on trumped up charges or under very vague laws, tortured, and then convicted by judge (never a jury) whose been told by the secret what verdict to hand out or the victim makes a confession after the torture and threats against the victims, then finally either execute them or send them off to some remote labor camp to die from starvation, exposure, etc.

With that background, can you point to verifiable instances of the FBI doing anything remotely like that? And verifiable doesn't mean rumors floating around in Trump World. Or are you using the term "secret police" simply to over exaggerate what the FBI has done, much as people throwing around the term "Nazi" have done, to score some cheap political points?

You also know, I presume, that FBI Director Wray was nominated for the job by TRUMP in 2017 and served in that role the entire Trump presidency? What makes you think that a Trump nominated AG would just buckle under when Biden took over? If he wasn't made of sterner stuff than that that then Trump should never has nominated him in the first place, right? If that's the case then Trump made a very poor pick which would make me wonder what kind of appointments he'd make in a second term. The FBI director also does not serve at the pleasure of the President but rather has a fixed term for the very purpose of insulating the director from overbearing political influence. You can't have it both ways; either Wray was a great pick by Trump in which case that casts doubt on your claim of secret police activity now by the same director under Biden, or Trump made a terrible pick for director, in which case that shows poor judgment by Trump. Take your pick.

Trump has already suggested several times he'd weaponize the DOJ by using it to go after his opponents. So if you don't think that's a good thing, then perhaps Trump isn't the guy you ought vote for.
You are as blind as a bat. The convention is a bad Broadway show. Keep watching.
Oh, political conventions are rarely entertaining these days. Since the start of the primary era few conventions have had any suprises or drama to keep people turned in.. Trump's convention was just as bad. Sure the diehard believers in both parties are thrilled to be at those things, but for most of the rest of us they are both big snoozefests.

And what's up with saying that I'm "as blind as a bat"? You recently took me to task alleging that I make those kinds of disparaging remarks about you and wanted me to stop. So do you think you don't have to live by the standards you expect of everyone else?

That photo was all over the news yesterday. I did not single it out.
You can delete the thread if you like.

But you say the media can't be trusted. So why would you post that one frame before checking it out to see what the real context of it was?
Trump has already suggested several times he'd weaponize the DOJ by using it to go after his opponents. So if you don't think that's a good thing, then perhaps Trump isn't the guy you ought vote for.

Hmmm. you allege former president Trump made the aforementioned statement.

I heard Biden wealonized the DOJ. deploying it and others to do to Trump, what you allege he wants to do to them.

Truth is:

The verse in the Bible, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is commonly known as The Golden Rule. It's found in both Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31 and is a command based on Jesus's words in the Sermon on the Mount: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

Although many believe Jesus coined the phrase, this isn't true. Confucius and Epicurus who lived before Jesus, had a similar version of this rule.

"What you do not wish upon yourself, extend not to others." — Confucius (ca. 551–479 BCE)

"Neither to harm, nor be harmed."— Epicurus (c. 350 BCE)

Still, Jesus said this Golden Rule "do unto others"... "sums up the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12), which were written before these two men.

Although Jesus was the Word made flesh, He made Himself a student of the law. Jesus grew up learning in the temple from religioujs leaders and teachers of the law. In the book of Leviticus, a core book of the law, we find another variation of what we call The Golden Rule.

"'When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."(Leviticus 19:33-34 )

Jesus more than studied these words—as God, He is their source and embodied them.
With that background, can you point to verifiable instances of the FBI doing anything remotely like that? And verifiable doesn't mean rumors floating around in Trump World. Or are you using the term "secret police" simply to over exaggerate what the FBI has done, much as people throwing around the term "Nazi" have done, to score some cheap political points?
They say that when an Ostridge senses danger, they stick their head in the sand. But despite popular misconception, ostriches do not stick their heads in the sand. This myth originated in ancient Rome and is so pervasive that it's used as a common metaphor for someone avoiding their problems or a reality they don't want to face. It's thought that this belief began after observing ostriches nesting and being stalked by predators.

Your explanation of secret police may be historic, but it lacks relevance to today. Nice try though. Is the FBI, or the DOJ, or the NSA, or the CIA, or any number of governmental agencies making people disappear. I have no idea. If I had to guess, I would say that the deep state does what it does without any of us knowing about it.

I'm using the term secret police because a speaker at the DNC said that Trump would turn the FBI into the secret police. And, while the FBI may not be eliminating people, they certainly have become political going after Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case with their manipulation of the evidence as an example.

The FBI director also does not serve at the pleasure of the President but rather has a fixed term for the very purpose of insulating the director from overbearing political influence.
That statement is not true. The FBI answers to the DOJ which answers to the President. Didn't Trump fire FBI director James Comey after he gave a speech about Hillery?
Trump has already suggested several times he'd weaponize the DOJ by using it to go after his opponents. So if you don't think that's a good thing, then perhaps Trump isn't the guy you ought vote for.
Trump never said anything of the kind. The media speculates that he would. The Biden administration weaponized the DOJ against Trump and his supporters in all the bogus prosecution. Trump could have gone after Hillery, but he didn't even though his supporters wanted him to when he was in office. And if you think that Matthew Colangelo, #3 at the DOJ, didn't leave the department to prosecute trump, you are delusional.

I'm going to add this although not really relevant to the post. There are people that will vote the party-line no matter what without realizing the consequence of their vote. If voting the party line or voting against Trump is your motive, you had better think about the country you will live in. Trump seeks to keep the Republic as it was founded, and Harris seeks to move us into socialism where the individual is no longer important, and capitalism is a bad thing. Love and joy don't run a country, leadership and strength does.
I will also add the Crooks was strung along in a similar fashion to Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. Oswald had no money but yet he could go to Russia, and nightclubs in Russia while having a Russian wife with connections to the CIA.

Crooks trained at the same shooting ranges as the FBI, CIA, and secret service. Not only that he also had visits with someone who's cell phone was picked up and geolocated to an FBI building in DC. When they came to investigate the home of Crooks after the planned assassination attempt they found no silverware in the house. NONE. The house had been scrubbed clean and all incrementing evidence removed. So, I guess you could have your blinders on, and just think this is a conspiracy theory or not. I will tell you that the Industrial War Complex makes billions off these wars and the death of many common Americans. Any president that disrupts this ongoing endeavor is in serious trouble and threat to the their ongoing wealth creation. These operatives want to keep the cash cow coming and the billions flowing.
And what's up with saying that I'm "as blind as a bat"? You recently took me to task alleging that I make those kinds of disparaging remarks about you and wanted me to stop. So do you think you don't have to live by the standards you expect of everyone else?
Bats have good sight, but they don't rely on it when feeding. They navigate by echolocation which is a form of sonar. That doesn't mean that they can't find what they are looking for such as something a small as a mosquito while in flight.

I did my independent studies on Microchiroptera (bats) at Prinston University under Dr. Julia Chase (an expert in bat morphology) while I was attending Rutgers University.

Blind as a Bat is not an insult in my world. It means you need to look for the truth instead of taking what you think the truth is.

You can use the idiom 'As Blind as a Bat' to describe someone who refuses to notice an obvious thing.
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