The New Social Networking Buttons

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
Hi guys... I am back from an extended business / personal (wedding) trip to Israel and the middle east. While there is plenty on the agenda, my first order of business was to put up the social networking buttons that are quickly becoming important and a preferred addition to many websites. They include:


Google +1 button if you like the post, find it relevant, etc. When Google speaks...

Facebook's Like button - does this need explaining? :)

Twitter's Tweet button - you can quickly tweet a post you like, find interesting and the total number of times tweeted works now too.


LinkedIn - Some people enjoy sharing posts on professional forums with other colleagues where appropriate. Made sense to include it. Now the rest...

Google's Buzz - Not sure how much different this is from +1 now although supposedly it is of its own importance... we'll see. May replace this one with reddit or digg
Changes, changes, and more changes.

Looking good, Professor.
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