Theft... Help Please!


New Member
Yesterday I was called by my manager and a L.P person for an interrigation about some transactions that i made... He told me that I committed some sort of an embelishment ... But I don't even know of what is he talking about.... He ask me about some transaction made that they where never paid... But they where debit card transactions! I don't understand how can this be!! He show me videos where I was on the register and and I printed recipts (wich all of the associates does to
Keep track of our best costumers) and he said that I ring things on that moments... But first of all no one took the product... Out of the store... I ask for and inventory report and for sales report of the items... Because... No one bought those items that day and no one took them... And there was no post void made by me so I don't understand what happend... I have only made a single post
Void during my year there... And it wasn't even for me it was for another associate and I followed protocol... And after this I expressed my concern about this particular practice... And never done it again...(I know managers that do this all
The time) I don't gain comision so I don't really get any monetary gain in the situation.... And then they are three transactions that are the worst... First... I had a client that wanted two items of the store but they where out of season so I told her to give me her info and I will try to help her... I remembered that I bought one of those items and we keep a file with our recipts... So I scanned my recipt to check the upc of the item and do a look up on others stores... Wich I did but now (this was months ago) they claiming a I did a refund for my self! I remember this client and what happens because she is one of my best costumers... I going to
The bank to ask for my
Bank statements because I never did such thing! And I even think that the card that was used for that trasaction is cancelled since this summer! So I'm going to ask for some document that certifies this... The others two are purchases I made... I was with another associate and since he couldn't ring me up I gave her my debit card so she could pay and to be honest with everything (again managers do this all the time) and I have my recipts and everything but he is claiming that some autorization code is wrong And they didn't processed the payment!!! I have to go again tomorrow for further questions... I wanna know what to ask and what should I do!
Stores tend to have the goods on you when you're called in for such interviews.

Stores do make mistakes.

If you did nothing wrong, tell the truth.

It might not help, because it seems the store has the goods on you.

You are always free to hire a lawyer.

Your post was very hard to read and decipher.

You might want to be clearer in your interviews.

Good luck.
I'm sorry... English is not
My first language ... And I'm so upset that this is happening... I thought I was doing a good job.. I'm alarmed and disappointed. I want to be helpful and transparent... But I know that just the doubt is bad enough..
I am a Retail Theft consultant and talk to people like you daily and have conducted these kind of investigations. I agree with the above its the norm not to call in the employee until they are certain they have the goods on person. Since none of us have seen what they have an donly have your version of events its not possible for us to say. Yu should consult an Attorney before answering anymore questions about this issue
So I shouldn't ask to see reports or something like that? Just don't answer anything more? I called my bank ... And they can't give me the statements till wenesday... But they told me they have the two transactions recorded... But the money is still froze or something like that on my account....I'm gonna go tomorrow and tell Them I will not answer any question till I have an anttorney and my bank statments
So I shouldn't ask to see reports or something like that? Just don't answer anything more? I called my bank ... And they can't give me the statements till wenesday... But they told me they have the two transactions recorded... But the money is still froze or something like that on my account....I'm gonna go tomorrow and tell Them I will not answer any question till I have an anttorney and my bank statments

If you are ALLEGED to have used YOUR BANK CARD, I suggest you politely decline to answer any more questions.

Don't say anything, except, "Sorry,under the advice of an attorney, I can't answer any questions."

Then, no matter what is said or done, don't say anything.

You will probably be terminated, but whether you talked or not, you were still going to be fired.

It's better to lose a job than to lose your freedom.

That might happen anyway, criminal charges, so no need to worry about that.
Good luck.

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