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I had did a petty crime at (deleted) by stealing certain items. The loss prevention person pretty much claim they saw me on tape (which they didn't show me). Anyway they made me sign a confession paper and pretty much told me if I pay back the items I took...they would pretty much sweep it under the rug. I wasn't charge or arrested. I made a HUGE mistake that I want to make up for. Well in order to do that I need a job. So I applied for (deleted) and got a interview. They said they do a background check and I wasn't worried at first cuz I wasn't charge or arrested. But I heard through a friend that some retail use retail theft database. So if (deleted) find my name they can refuse to hired me. But my question is (deleted) never told me this and if I wasn't pressure I would had never sign. Should (deleted) told me.? Can I sue them? Isn't that slandering my name? Please help...i really need a job to make things right.

I removed the names of the stores for your protection - "personal" (actual names) should not be posted. Betty3
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They can report you to a retail theft database if they are a member & they do not have to tell you if they did so.
Another case of a thief trying to turn it into a lawsuit, when they did not have charges pressed against them. Move on, nothing to see here.
Should (deleted) told me.? Why should they?

Can I sue them? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous.

Isn't that slandering my name? Not in the least. You DID steal from them. There's nothing slanderous about telling the truth, and it is the truth that you were caught stealing.
I had did a petty crime at (deleted) by stealing certain items. The loss prevention person pretty much claim they saw me on tape (which they didn't show me). Anyway they made me sign a confession paper and pretty much told me if I pay back the items I took...they would pretty much sweep it under the rug. I wasn't charge or arrested. I made a HUGE mistake that I want to make up for. Well in order to do that I need a job. So I applied for (deleted) and got a interview. They said they do a background check and I wasn't worried at first cuz I wasn't charge or arrested. But I heard through a friend that some retail use retail theft database. So if (deleted) find my name they can refuse to hired me. But my question is (deleted) never told me this and if I wasn't pressure I would had never sign. Should (deleted) told me.? Can I sue them? Isn't that slandering my name? Please help...i really need a job to make things right.

I removed the names of the stores for your protection - "personal" (actual names) should not be posted. Betty3

So, let me see if I can understand what you've posted. It's very complicated, and I'm not that smart, plus I'm old.

You steal some junk from some store. The security agent caches you, talks to you, cuts you a break and doesn't call the police. You sign some confession, after they rough you up forcing you to admit to stealing.

Is my understanding accurate, so far? Great!!! Then you decide to apply for a job where you got caught stealing, right?

The store finds out that you stole, allegedly from some fictional database of petty thieves and miscreants.
You don't get the job, and you want to sue somebody.

Hello, you admitted to your thievery after the security ROUGHED YOU UP AND ORCED YOU TO CONFESS ON PAPER, remember? All the store needed to do was reveie their own records.

Thanks. So, go ahead, sue the store. You have an undeniable RIGHT to sue anyone, the president, your state's governer, your county sheriff, your city's mayor. Go ahead, file the lawsuit. It's your RIGHT to sue.
Many stores use these databases to weed out undesirables. If you were caught for theft its not slander. I am a Retail theft consultant and answer questions like your daily. Our team knows or can often find out what stores use what databases but we do this privately not publicly as we do work for retailers as well. If you email me I can help you to see what database (if any) the store that caught you uses. Recently there was a law suit that stopped these databases base don fair credit reporting laws. That has since been resolved. You would need to know what is in database in order to sue if you could even then. If you are labeled a thief or the like you might have a fair shot if not your dead where you stand. By the way you were not FORCED to sign a confession. You had no obligation to sign anything!
Another case of a thief trying to turn it into a lawsuit, when they did not have charges pressed against them. Move on, nothing to see here.

The OP has not been convicted or even charged with a crime. It is my understanding this issue is the primary reason why the database companies had stopped reporting for awhile. Depending on what information is reported, and how it is reported, the OP is correct. However, the companies have changed the manner in which they operate to try and get around the problem. Time will tell how it works out.

OP... Until you have actually been denied employment or been harmed in some way by the database reporting you have nothing to act on. Once it happens you could contact a local attorney familiar with the theft database to explain your situation and decide if anything can be done.
By the way you were not FORCED to sign a confession. You had no obligation to sign anything!

Many people sign confessions under duress, unaware of their rights. More information is needed to assess whether there was coercion or intimidation, or whether the document included clear language. If a person feels they are not permitted to leave until they sign papers then that is all it takes to argue coercion. Of course, that argument would take place in a completely different arena.

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