Did you missed where i said that i admitted to it?
I am aware of what i did and i am not pretending to be innocent, i just don't understand why the kids are involved when they were in the house and these events occurred somewhere else.
Anytime there is an incident of domestic violence CPS gets called.
Here's an example - when I told my ex husband it was over and then had to stay at a shelter I had to talk to my daughter's doctor as she had an infusion the next day and I didn't know whether I would be back home or not. I told her about how the night before (and his other kids were there as well as our daughter) he got mad and threw a chair or something.
Well she called CPS and told them because she's mandated to. Even though no one got hurt. The lights were off. I was in bed with our daughter and he saw me on my phone and got mad. Threw something (later found out it was a remote control car). CPS came by to talk to me. He was out of the apartment by then. I let them come in and answered their questions. She called me one more time after that and then said "I believe there's no reason to continue this and I'm closing the case."
You committed an act of domestic violence. You slapped your husband. Your husband who is in the military. So since his chain of command was involved and it went to Family Advocacy likely. Family Advocacy apparently called CPS. Now granted I'm surprised CPS did get involved because when my ex husband assaulted me while we were in my last unit, I called the police. I told my chain of command. They sent me to FAP. But CPS never got involved in that situation and I even stayed with him after that incident (like a moron).
Do you realize that you sound like every abuser ever? "It only happened once."
Also you must have missed the disclaimer on this page: "Legal Disclaimer: The content appearing on our website is for general information purposes only. When you submit a question or make a comment on our site or in our law forum, you clearly imply that you are interested in receiving answers, opinions and responses from other people. The people providing legal help and who respond are volunteers who may not be lawyers, legal professionals or have any legal training or experience. The law is also subject to change from time to time and legal statutes and regulations vary between states. It is possible that the law may not apply to you and may have changed from the time a post was made. All information available on our site is available on an "AS-IS" basis. It is not a substitute for professional legal assistance. Before making any decision or accepting any legal advice, you should have a proper legal consultation with a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client privilege. For purposes of New York and New Jersey State ethics rules, please take notice that this website and its case reviews may constitute attorney advertising."
And there are a few attorneys on this page. Most of it; however, are people who have had experience in the legal system in different areas.
If out of 20 years you "never" had an argument with your husband and the first one ended like this then yes, you have serious issues.
If you hadn't told your kids about anything then they wouldn't have had questions. How did they know there were soldiers at the house if they weren't there? How did they know you left if they weren't there?
Do what CPS says. Get some counseling for yourself and couples therapy. You're lucky it's not alot worse for you right now honestly.