I know a woman who holds a job, has kids, and pays for their schooling. She's going through a cruel divorce. Her husband keeps dragging her to court because he wants the kids, but he has no job and does not live in good conditions. He is forcing her to pay child support and does not contribute, even though he does not have the kids. This is the third time he is taking her to court in 7 weeks. Is there anything that she can do? Is there a limit on the number of times that he can take her to court. It seems cruel and unusual that he keeps taking her to court.
Perhaps you could suggest that the woman create her own account.
I've not heard, legally, of a "cruel divorce". It does sound like it's a "contested divorce". And informally, it does sound high conflict.
You are an outsider. Outsiders, no matter how well meaning, DON'T have the full story. I have seen wildly different results from the same judge/court among families with, on the surface, similar stories.
For example, I know a woman who was told by the law guardian that she was lucky to have any custody/parenting time at all. (super TL;DR version) While I'm sympathetic and find her version credible, and her ex is a widely viewed as a loon (mocked in local newspaper and radio), perhaps there's more to the story. I went before the same judge when I first separated from my ex, and had a far different (better) outcome. Our mutual acquaintances were surprised. But the key is, I had better advice and took it. (For example, while one's first instinct might be to flee to your parents, don't do that if it involves crossing state lines.)
The limit on how often "he" can take "her" to court is subject to how often his petitions result in the court putting things on the calendar.
No one can limit the number of his petitions except for him.
However, a judge can eventually decide to be picky about what they choose to entertain.
The only thing the woman that you know can do is to be calm and respectful at court appearances, and hope that she comes across as the more credible party.