they placed me in the wrong major, now im ineligible for my financial aid

Michael C

New Member
New York
Earlier at the start of my semester at Nassau Community College i had begun as a liberal arts major. I had planned to change into computer science once i finished that semesters pre-requisites. (i passed all classes that semester). After when it came time to apply for the next semester, after brief general counceling, i was told to go to the comp sci offices to request a form to switch there. After writing paperwork which i have a copy of, i was able to apply to the designated comp sci required classes knowing that i was now eligible.
However, i have recently discovered that my finanical aid for the current semester wasnt going through because i had instead been registered as an accounting major. Because two of my current classes (bio 110 and csc 120) arent towards a degree in accounting, the 15 minimal credits i need for keeping my financial aid are now only accounted as under the minimum, now im no longer getting aid, how can i go about persuing legal action? Should i write a demand letter? What else could i do?
how can i go about persuing legal action?

A person often HIRES a lawyer to prosecute a lawsuit in her or his name.

Should i write a demand letter?

Only you know if you are capable of writing a letter.

What else could i do?

You could become governor of a state, you might become a great war hero, you could be elected to the US Senate, win a PowerBall jackpot, find a $50 bill, get arrested for a crime, or to paraphrase Jimmy (leader) of the Mickey Mouse Club in olden days would often say about Wednesdays, "This is anything can happen day!"

You might even brush up on what classes are required for whatever degree you wish to pursue.

You see, mate, in college YOU alone are responsible for the courses you choose to take.
A person often HIRES a lawyer to prosecute a lawsuit in her or his name.

I thought it was implicit that im gonna hire a lawyer, im not trying to become a lawyer.

Also i didnt register for the wrong class, i had registered for the right class but their offices had me put as an accounting major instead. Also the financial aid loss is an EFFECT of the situation, it is not the cause. The cause is an error on their end. Thank you for your reply though.

P.S, Not sure if your a lawyer, but if you are, you could use a little brushing up on your reading comprehension. Because it doesnt look like the original post got from point A to point B.
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P.S, Not sure if your a lawyer, but if you are, you could use a little brushing up on your reading comprehension. Because it doesnt look like the original post got from point A to point B.

Don't you worry about me, pal.

I have three degrees BBA, MBA, JD.

I registered for all the correct classes, and graduated early THREE times over.

You on the other hand would seem to be the one with "reading comprehension".

I thought it was implicit that im gonna hire a lawyer, im not trying to become a lawyer.

Then why waste your time BEGGING for free nuggets of legal wisdom?

Also i didnt register for the wrong class, i had registered for the right class but their offices had me put as an accounting major instead.

I fail to understand how inanimate objects, ie..."their offices" could register you for anything, but if you say so, I have no beef with "their offices" having their way with you.

Also the financial aid loss is an EFFECT of the situation, it is not the cause.

English, especially sentence construction isn't your strong suit, is it?

The cause is an error on their end.

Hmmm, if you wish to say so.

Thank you for your reply though.

You are most welcome, pal.
When you explained the situation to the Registrar's office and asked them to make a correction, what did they say?
When you explained the situation to the Registrar's office and asked them to make a correction, what did they say?
thats a good question, I am actually going there on monday as soon as i can, fingers crossed it gets fixed though; knowing how poorly NCC office staff deal with paperwork I hoped coming here might bring me knowledge as to what courses of action could be handy should the situation escalate there. Thanks for the reply!
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