Third party interference in purchasing neighboring property

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Either way you cut it, we are going to have to leave, and give up the family's farm. As recent as Sunday, I discovered the ---------- who are our new antagonist neighbors across the street, ripped off our "No Trespassing" signs from the trees. Each sign had no less than six stables a piece, I am pretty thorough about nailing them down, and the signs taken down were the least exposed to the wind. So, someone had to physically ripped the sign down off the tree. I would call Law Enforcement, but they refuse to do anything unless it is clearly recorded on video.

The ------s, is the same family who -------- partnered with to drive us out. They know we want to be left alone, as we have called law enforcement on them numerous times, and this Sunday clearly states they have no intention, and it isn't going to stop until one of us gets hurt.

Construction began last week on the second house, which they only have the building permit for a trailer, yet the walls are going up as we speak. They have completely ruined our neighborhood, and it all intentional and well planned.

The owner was not in any way obligated to respond to your requests, and that failure would generally mean that the owner has rejected any offer you made. He may have just not been ready to sell before. Did you not try offering a contract for you to have a right of first refusal whenever the owner did decide to sell? You'd have had to pay something for that option but if you had that option you'd be in a much better position now.

The property owner, ------------ was hospitalized, in quarantine, and hooked to a respirator when all of this started. As we all remember, during the first wave of covid, this was standard procedure at the time. This means, the owner was completely cut off from the outside world and knew nothing about what was going on regarding his own property at the time. It was this opportunity of non-cognizance that allowed Don Marco to force his way into stealing a controlling interest.

Regardless of owning a home in another part of the county, ---------- put it up for sale, and moved his wife and two children onto the property with ---------- house on it. His family lived there for around a year rent-free, consuming Easy's electricity and water. In particular, they made sure no one else in the community knew anything about it. As Easy's next door neighbor, who can see Easy's front door from her porch, thought Easy was residing there the entire time.

It is nearly guaranteed this was done completely without Easy being aware of it, and most certainly without his permission. Regardless, it granted --------- physical control of both properties. The property with -------s house on it, and the property that faces our farm. Although we knew nothing about it, because ---------- never ventured onto the property across the street.

(Potentially libelous paragraphs deleted by moderator.)

I understand you are upset at possibly losing this property. But without something like the option to buy that I described before, the owner was not obligated to deal with you and could deal with this other buyer instead. If the guy contacting the owner was claiming to be a broker when he wasn't that may get him in trouble with the state but likely would not be a reason for a third party to come in and invalidate the deal. If the owner and buyer are satisfied with it, you may find that you have no standing to object to it now.

It may have been different if you had been in active negotiations with owner to buy the land (and not just sending letters that get no response) at the time the other guy showed up as in that case there might be grounds for a tort known as tortious interference with contractual relations. I think you really need a real estate lawyer to review everything and tell you what options, if any, you have now. There is no substitute for reading the actual deed record and probate record and any other related documents and I don't have those to look at.

We aren't looking to invalidate the deal, it is too late for that, and the property is already ruined. All we are looking for is compensation for damages at this point. We have already lost what we have worked for, and are forced to abandon the family dream. If it is even possible to win compensation, it will never replace what we have invested.
You have posted a bunch identifiable information. We don't need to know the names of people involved. Please edit your post and remove names.
You have posted a bunch identifiable information. We don't need to know the names of people involved. Please edit your post and remove names.

The names were completely fictional, made up, and selected at random from a name generator. The initials were not even the same. They were used, in order to maintain coherency, since it is apparently difficult to follow who did what. The fictional characteristics of the names used should have made it apparent.

Thus, my response was erroneously flagged and edited for no reason.

There being no response to Justblue's admonition, I have removed names and deleted a couple of potentially libelous paragraphs.

There was no need to. Whether unintentional or not, this has complicated the ability to relate what is an already complex and a multifaceted situation. I guess I should have used "Silky Johnson", "Fleecy James", and "Q-Tip McGee" instead, but to be honest, I couldn't think of those at the time.

There are, after all, only so many times you can use "John Doe 1" and "John Doe 2" before you are swimming in a heap of "Does"...
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deleted a couple of potentially libelous paragraphs.

How can a statement be libelous when it refers to fictional names that were selected at random?

I don't mind redaction, but jumping to conclusions and performing censorship through removal of entire paragraphs was not warranted in this situation, and undoubtedly handicaps and impedes my ability to effectively relate specifics of a very dear and personal situation. A situation that will undoubtedly have a drastic impact on the lives of my family members.
There really is nothing more that you can gain from an internet forum. Speak to an attorney.
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