Threat to not allow me to see my son

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In my divorce decree it states that my son may not stay the night at a residence with a live in roomate, boyfriend/girlfriend, or fiance.. I was married last week and my ex spouse is threatening me by stating that if she doesn't get a copy of my Marriage Certificate then she will not allow my son to stay with me. I know she is only doing this to be controlling, and I don't see where I need to provide her with a copy of this. I offered to take a picture or for her to look it up on the court docs online, but she is trying to be demanding and controlling..

My question is this: By law, do I have to provide her with a marriage cert or is it up to her to get that info on her own if she doesn't believe that I am married. I just refuse to let her control me anymore. Thank you.
Why not scan her a copy?
Its always better to agree among yourselves, or it's off to court you'll have to go.
Remember,it isn't about you or her, it's about your child.

Or, you might ask your lawyer to contact her lawyer and reach a compromise.

No, you don't have to prove anything to her.
But, if you don't, you'll have to Hauger back to court and ask the judge to enforce the order.

If she isn't bluffing, you won't be seeing your son in the interim.

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Because I don't feel it is her right to have a copy of MY marriage certificate. There are multiple ways she can go about to make sure I am being truthful without DEMANDING a copy of my certificate. She is only doing this to prove to herself she still has control over me and my son, and I am sick and tired of it!
If she refuses visitation then contact your local law enforcement, show them a copy of the order, and have them contact her regarding the violation of the order.
She essentially will be refusing you any visitation whether your child stays overnight or not.
Do yourself a favor and set things in motion to have the visitation order modified to reflect the change in circumstances.
Also... if she does allow visitation but refuses to allow the overnight visit, tell her to get lost. She doesn't make the rules. So long as you are within the parameters of your court order you are fine.
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Just send her a copy of the certificate. If you end up having to go to court it will look a whole lot better for you if you are the one trying to cooperate. Yup she can go look at it on her own, it is public record. But save yourself the trouble and just send her a copy. No point in making things harder than they have to be. Fact is, you are stuck working with her for many years to come, the sooner you decide to change how you look at whatever she is requesting the better off you'll be. Having been there I'll be the first to tell you it isn't easy, but it is better for your child if you at least pretend to the world whatever your ex is doing could be for the good of your child and not just to be vindictive.
Why was visitation denied if roomate was there? This is important issue as a Judge found it an issue in original order
I'd just make it simple and send her a copy. If thats all she is asking for I dont see why its such a big deal. The stuff about 'she is being controlling and I wont let her control me anymore" sounds like a personal issue that shouldnt involve your child. It would seem such a waste for it to end up in court if all she is asking for is a simple piece of paper. Its not like you are giving her the original - she's just asking for a copy. I know its stupid that she is doing this, like does she not believe you are really married?
That clause in the divorce decree does seem unusual. My X had a live in girlfriend at one time and my kids by that marriage spent overnights there. I am figuring that was your Xs idea to put that clause in there? Or was it something the courts did? This goes along with Shrinkmasters question about that. Why did the court feel it important?
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