Threatened with eviction due to repeated slander


New Member
We have a neighbor in our apartment building who does not like us. Very mean, grouchy older person (might be senile in other words but I'm not a doctor, but sometimes seems off) who did not seem to like us from day one, before we'd even met.

We're getting more and more letters under the door from management, threatening eviction.
Accusations of smells. We're meticulously clean and have had staff repeatedly come into our apartment to look for smells, found none. The letters under the door keep coming and they're threatening eviction.
Accusations of not wearing a mask. "Violating governor Lamont's order." Potentially facing eviction because someone "keeps seeing me without a mask."
It's not true. I'm on the vulnerable list when it comes to the virus. I'd be in terrible trouble if I got it. I wear a mask religiously. Almost no one else in the building wears a mask, they're constantly in my way in hallways "close talking," holding doors for me, otherwise getting close, not wearing masks. I am in fact one of the only people in the building wearing a mask lately, it's frustrating

None of the staff wear masks, even their security guard (who ears it on his chin not on his mouth and nose.)
Nonetheless, the letter says we've been seen violating gov. Lamont's order and they are threatening eviction since there have been so many complaints. We think, but can't prove, that it's all the same neighbor.
She pours white powder in piles outside our door over and over again. Management doesn't care, and is disinterested.
I think my sister (who lives with me here) made a serious mistake by telling one of the staff that they should wear a mask, last week. The reaction from the staff member was hostile. I'm concerned the staff might be vindictive, but there's no proof. That same staff member has begun now suddenly supporting the claim that we're making smells. We're not, we're very meticulously clean and have ramped up our cleaning further and further to no avail.
How can I stop an eviction against letters that just keep coming in saying "another complaint, you violated the rules!" They're saying they're ready to move with eviction if we get another complaint

I don't know what to do. I'm not sure we can take many more complaints before it'll be off to court, and we don't have any money to fight them, nor any way to stop these complaints.
The letters don't mean much. Pay your rent on time and follow whatever rules you agreed to in your lease agreement and you won't be evicted.
If the landlord wants you out then your lease won't be renewed, and they would have to give you advance notice of that.
Eviction is a lengthy process that has to go through court. If you receive a summons to court then you have something to worry about. The letters under your door are not worth responding to.
Ignore your nasty neighbor.
We have a neighbor in our apartment building who does not like us. Very mean, grouchy older person (might be senile in other words but I'm not a doctor, but sometimes seems off) who did not seem to like us from day one, before we'd even met.

We're getting more and more letters under the door from management, threatening eviction.
Accusations of smells. We're meticulously clean and have had staff repeatedly come into our apartment to look for smells, found none. The letters under the door keep coming and they're threatening eviction.
Accusations of not wearing a mask. "Violating governor Lamont's order." Potentially facing eviction because someone "keeps seeing me without a mask."
It's not true. I'm on the vulnerable list when it comes to the virus. I'd be in terrible trouble if I got it. I wear a mask religiously. Almost no one else in the building wears a mask, they're constantly in my way in hallways "close talking," holding doors for me, otherwise getting close, not wearing masks. I am in fact one of the only people in the building wearing a mask lately, it's frustrating

None of the staff wear masks, even their security guard (who ears it on his chin not on his mouth and nose.)
Nonetheless, the letter says we've been seen violating gov. Lamont's order and they are threatening eviction since there have been so many complaints. We think, but can't prove, that it's all the same neighbor.
She pours white powder in piles outside our door over and over again. Management doesn't care, and is disinterested.
I think my sister (who lives with me here) made a serious mistake by telling one of the staff that they should wear a mask, last week. The reaction from the staff member was hostile. I'm concerned the staff might be vindictive, but there's no proof. That same staff member has begun now suddenly supporting the claim that we're making smells. We're not, we're very meticulously clean and have ramped up our cleaning further and further to no avail.
How can I stop an eviction against letters that just keep coming in saying "another complaint, you violated the rules!" They're saying they're ready to move with eviction if we get another complaint

I don't know what to do. I'm not sure we can take many more complaints before it'll be off to court, and we don't have any money to fight them, nor any way to stop these complaints.
Rent and Evictions during the COVID-19 Crisis | CTLawHelp

LL can not start a eviction until late August at the very least. When does your lease end?
Oh man , that is bad news. They can just not let us resign, they don't even need to go to court? We're extremely poor, just barely squeezing by, a new lease somewhere else will be incredibly hard. Ok, well, thanks for the info ... they have a weapon I didn't know of.
Oh man , that is bad news. They can just not let us resign, they don't even need to go to court? We're extremely poor, just barely squeezing by, a new lease somewhere else will be incredibly hard. Ok, well, thanks for the info ... they have a weapon I didn't know of.
Huh? Of course they have to go to court...but they will not be able to START the eviction process until the end of August. When does your lease expire? If soon, then chances are the LL would just not renew your lease as opposed to eviction. If I were you I would be looking for a new apt. When you leave this one make sure you take lots of pic's/video of the condition on the day you move out.
I don't know what is motivating management to generate these letters but I'm not sure I'd ignore them. In co-ops and condos these letters are usually the first step towards assessing fees, etc. You may want to create a paper trail to protect yourself. If you have issues with the neighbor and believe all the complaints are false, then you should file a response and complaint yourself and make sure it's via some certifiable method. Sometimes there are habd written complaints on carbon paper but you should also email or fax a copy as well so you can have proof of transmission.

I don't know when your lease expires and whether you have some other rights which might explain why the landlord wants to evict a tenant who seems to be paying rent during COVID-19, when several states have tenant favorable rent provisions to deal with the pandemic, such as Executive Order 7x.

@mightymoose is correct about the eviction process, especially now. I don't know how much time you have remaining on your lease but I'd be very surprised a landlord would move to evict a tenant which would cost a significant amount of money for legal representation / court costs and expect a landlord tenant court to award damages to the landlord for a lease that may be ending before or near the time the case may be disposed. If you want to get a sense for the effort involved, see the following:

Connecticut: Eviction Process and Time Frame
It doesn't matter if eviction happens now or later. I I'm dealing with serious illness, in and out of the hospital, on disability... there's just no money to move, whether or not the eviction happens now or after covid.

Everything else I'm reading says that repeated complaints by another tenant can absolutely result in eviction, and this neighbor is not going to stop complaining and complain until we're gone. It's like an obsession. The staff seem to like her, which is serious. The staff seem very corrupt on things like that. She likes to pour white powder outside our door over and over and over, and the staff is protecting her rather than doing something about it, they won't threaten her for it. I have a feeling I should have just called the police but at the time I just thought she was a harmless confused old woman.

There also almost certainly a vindictive staff member who doesn't like that my sister reported him for not wearing a mask. Now we've been accused of not wearing masks, which is a lie, but they're saying again it's an eviction offense. NO ONE but us, including staff, are wearing masks anymore. But we're being threatened for it. The complaints (lies) just keep coming, and I don't know how to make this stop before we're evicted. But it's simply lies -- lies that are getting us threated with eviction.

So can they simply refuse to let us re-sign when the lease is up, without needing an eviction or court case? Because if "yes" then that's a terrible weapon they have against us. I seem to have gotten mixed signals on that.
If the landlord intends to end your lease agreement you would get notice a couple months in advance.
They can't just boot you out with little or no notice. No. The landlord does not have to go to court to end your lease if they give proper notice before it expires. If you pay for rent on time it is unlikely the landlord is motivated to get you out.

Ignore your neighbor. Don't engage in complaining. Disappear from their radar.

Don"t think of it as a weapon. It is the agreement you accepted when you moved in. Read your lease to understand what the landlord can and can not do and what the rules are.
I think my sister (who lives with me here) made a serious mistake by telling one of the staff that they should wear a mask, last week. Then we have this... There also almost certainly a vindictive staff member who doesn't like that my sister reported him for not wearing a mask.

That is why it is hard to read what is happening. People come on and give their " Oh sorry me story " Truth be known they are the problem and this place has every right to toss them out on their butts. Maybe it is time you and your sister start creating problems.
That is why it is hard to read what is happening. People come on and give their " Oh sorry me story " Truth be known they are the problem and this place has every right to toss them out on their butts. Maybe it is time you and your sister start creating problems.
Asking a staff member to wear a mask during a pandemic is hardly creating the problem. In CT it is a mandate to wear a mask.
Asking a staff member to wear a mask during a pandemic is hardly creating the problem. In CT it is a mandate to wear a mask.

Did you read the post? She said in one part of her post that her sister told the stafff member to wear a mask. Then in another part she posted that her sister reported the staff member. Doesn't matter if required... We are still a free nation I wear a mask. I don't tell others what they should or shouldn't do. Doesn't matter to me. I do everything i need to protect myself. What others do doesn't effect me.
What others do doesn't effect me.

Amen, brother.

I tell others all the time, I don't wear a badge, uniform, and have the arrest powers of a sworn peace officer.

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