Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Threatening a witness

Can threatening a witness occur in a civil suit?

Apparently it did in your case, because you admitted to such an confrontation.
( \/ SEE BELOW \/ )

The boat owner and I couldn't agree on who was liable and we basically threaten each other with legal action.

I am now being told that the communication between the boat owner and I where we debated the liability is now considered threatening the witness and a felon since I gave them an ultimatum (drop the issue or hear from my lawyer.)

I suggest you stop discussing this incident with anyone and HIRE yourself a criminal defense attorney.

If you THINK you can't afford an attorney, SHUT UP, WAIT until you are charged, tell the police you "want a lawyer and will use your RIGHT to remain SILENT, then SHUT UP. Cooperate with the arrest, the booking, but DON'T discuss ANY ASPECT of the case.

You will eventually see a judge, plead NOT guilty, and ask the court if you qualify for a public defender (or hire your own mouthpiece).

While you wait, stay as far away from all of the other parties as possible, and don't speak with any of them.
The boat owner and I couldn't agree on who was liable and we basically threaten each other with legal action.

Nothing wrong with that.

A week later the police informed me that they would consider the incident a failure to stop.

They would "consider" it? What does that mean? Have you been cited? Charged? Arraigned? What?

I am now being told

Told by who?

the communication between the boat owner and I where we debated the liability is now considered threatening the witness and a felon since I gave them an ultimatum (drop the issue or hear from my lawyer.)

Again with the "considered"? Sounds like nonsense to me. Who exactly is doing the "considering."

Can threatening a witness occur in a civil suit?

In the abstract, sure.

Any recommendations on how to handle this?

If you are being charged with a crime, hire a lawyer.

If you want your boat fixed and the other boat owner's claim handled call your boat insurance company.
If you THINK you can't afford an attorney, SHUT UP, WAIT until you are charged, tell the police you "want a lawyer and will use your RIGHT to remain SILENT, then SHUT UP.
Look at what a mess one mistyped letter can create...
What letter was mistyped? The only thing I see is that there is either one too many, or one too few, quotation marks.
There was an "i" instead of a "u" in the second "shut up" - it was edited in the original post and in my quoted portion as well.

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