Threats from roommate,how can I legally terminate my lease?

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TJ thompson

Hello, I need some serious advice. I recently moved in with what I thought was a friend and her 2 teenage children. we are literally only in our second month over 12 month lease. Unfortunately a few days ago my roommates 15 year old daughter was apprehended u at the laundry mat by the police,for being a runaway& juvenile fugitive wanted by the law for probation violation. Apparently she was not supposed to be in her mother's possession due to a CPS cases court decision based on her termination of rights. She was picked up by police due to an anonymous tip/phone call. And the police also came to our residence where i was asleep with my two-year-old son... was awoken at about 7, 7:15 a.m. to 4 cops at my door wanting to know where this young girl was? After speaking with them finding out she was a runaway Fugitive of the law, I told the officers that I didn't even know and that she wasn't in the apartment she was out doing laundry with her mother. I did not give hem the laundry mats name or the address or a description the girl. I didn't even know what she was wearing at the moment-I thought that she was in the back bedroom waiting for Mom to get home from doing laundry, but apparently her mother came and picked her up. After being informed of the serious charges that I could be facing for not just harboring a runaway, but a fugitive of the law...And was informed that now that I knew of the charges and circumstances that if the young girl return to the apartment and I did not call the police to turn her in, that I would definitely be charged and my son may be taken away from me due to CPS case. So the police left and upon closing my door I immediately called my roommate to let her know what's going on and she instantly accused me and started insulting, and threatening me stating that I was the one who called and gave the anonymous tip and that I was the only one who knew where they were at?!? But I didn't even know that the daughter was with her at the laundrymat at that moment in time until the police came to my door and I went to the back bedroom to check and see if she was there? So it's been a few days I even left the apartment with my young son for a couple of days to give some cooling down time and give her some space to think rationally. returned yesterday and things have not changed. Im still the "snitch", the one at fault for turning in her daughter,and I'm very much still feeling like I am in immediate imminent danger and I have no choice because I am bound to a 12 month lease where I still have 10 of the 12 months left. I do fear for my sons and I safety every minute of every moment I am in this apartment, because my roommate does have "connections" & unSavory characters that are apparently her "friends".Not to mention ,her current boyfriend is in prison at the moment and I have witnessed,many of times my roommate complaining of wrong doings or Dis- respect from others and him saying not to worry he or somebody else will "handle them" or "take care of that." So I am just very much scared that I will be another issue that is "taken care of." Me and her already had a horrible track record from our first month living together of us butting heads and not getting along and arguing because we apparently thought we were different people?, I don't know. The little I do know from researching protective orders and temporary injunctions, is that she is not been physically violent or assaulted me- so even though she's threatened to and she has charged towards me in very heated and escalated arguments, that happen very often, she has thrown fountain drinks from McDonald's at me and my son,scaring the crap out of him and then going as low as to insult my two-year-old son saying that he's a "pussy" for crying, pardon my French. And she has verbally threatened to slit my throat because I am a "snitch" that turned in her daughter.... not to mention that these past two days have been an utter nightmare because she's going out of her way to be overly rude loud and corruptive. She has visitors over all times of the day and her most recent ones were here from Midnight to 5 45 a.m. and she had music blaring and blasting up until 3:30 a.m. The music blasting was deliberate music to Heckle me-like "it's my party I can cry if I want to"and playing some of the loudest most hardcore rock music she can probably find to play. Me, being her so-called friend and now a roommate, for a little while I do know what types of music she listens to and hardcore rock is not the type she normally listens to. So my 2 year old toddler is suffering, it's not his fault he's innocent .he should not be losing sleep or being terrified by loud music at night. But I cannot just pick up the phone and make a noise complaint on my roommate and call the cops, because the whole reason why I am dealing with this is because my roommate thinks that I am a snitch and I called the cops on her daughter. So if I call the cops on her for all the noise,whether she knows if it's from me or not, she's obviously going to think it's me! So things will only be exacerbated in the situation and my life will be an even bigger living hell!!! So I am trapped by my lease living in a horrendous environment for me and my child that is mentally abusive and I'm having anxiety/panic attacks almost every 3hours and we are trapped and confined pretty much to our room, due to the fact that the apartment is overrun with her CONSTANT friends, family, "Guests", and just overall bad vibes that I don't wish to partake in. I am scared that I will not be granted any such order due to this major factor. It does say that if I feel like eminent danger or I feel threatened that is a reason to file but really scared that I will go through all this and nothing will be done. I just need a loophole to be able to break/terminate my lease without paying the insane charges that are in my lease terms so I can get a safe place for me and my son to live. Any advice? Please help I've been back in the apartment for only two days and I am terrified!
If you are afraid you'll be harmed, file for the order of protection.
Otherwise, talk to the landlord, explain the situation, see what options the landlord might offer.

Loopholes are nonexistent.
You know your options, they exist or they don't.
Agreed. Your easiest way out of this is by discussing with the landlord.

You can likely get at least a temporary restraining order based on the information given here. A restraining order would require one of the two of you to move out. If you are willing to move that would be easiest, and having the court behind you would help with the landlord.

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