Threats of distributing child pornography?

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New Member
Hi. I'm 15, and an "ex" has been threatening me with sending out my nude picture. Hes 17 by the way. He texts me and says I should sleep with him or else he'll send out the pictures and ruin my life. How can I resolve this without my parents or anyone other than law enforcement agents knowing?
You realize that you're guilty of creating child pornography, yes?

Tell your parents - that's the first step. Then, you can all go to the police and report the threats.
You can't do much of anything on your own.
Lesson learned the hard way. Chances are that he has already shared the picture with his friends.
They are both juveniles. Realistically, nothing significant will happen. A picture needs to surface first anyway. If she reports anything before then she will be spinning her wheels.
The boy's "threats" are not criminal in nature. He has apparently not yet committed any crime. Until he produces a picture, reporting this will only get her in trouble for having sent the photo.
Also, a simple naked picture is not necessarily pornography, even if juvenile.
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