threats twards teachers

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New Member
My name is (deleted) i am 14 years old and i was mad at a teacher so i said i was gonna hit him acorse i did not mean it and i was wondering if charges are filed what are the consequences.
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There won't be any criminal charges filed. I can't promise you that the school won't discipline you but that will be the end of it.
Agree. If you didn't actually hit the teacher, I don't see any criminal charges being filed but the school may discipline you in some way.

I am removing your name from your post - personal info should not be posted for your own protection.
My name is (deleted) i am 14 years old and i was mad at a teacher so i said i was gonna hit him acorse i did not mean it and i was wondering if charges are filed what are the consequences.

You are a minor, OP.
If anything happens to you, good or bad, as soon as possible inform your parents.
Your parents will make sure everything is on the up and up.
They will also counsel you about making remarks that could land you in BIGGER trouble.
You all are calm. In light of all the school incidents going on I can easily see this escalate to criminal charges and expulsion.
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