Consumer Law, Warranties Three day right to rescission in Georgia

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I was wondering what the law states to purchasing a water treatment system. I am looking at buying a whole home water treatment system and would like to know the law on the three day right to rescission.
I'll sell you mine cheap. I'm about to leave this house and I won't be able to use it where I'm going. :-)
Do I have a right to return the water system within the 3 days of purchase?

Why do you think you have such a right? Typically the "3 day cooling off period" only applies to "hot sales" items like a door to door salesman or telemarketing calls. It's designed to prevent consumers from being sold very quickly only to realize the truth once the smooth charm of the salesman has worn off. If you made the first move to buy an item, there is no such right. Unless there is something stated in specific (and point to any statute you are referring to) I would assume there is no such automatic right to rescind an agreement.
Thanks for your reply Lawprofessor, but they did contact me via a telemarketer and then a sales guy did come to the house to test my water and then try to sell me a water system. I told him I needed to think about it and want to know if I do buy, which I probably will, do I have the right within 3 days to say I do not want you system please refund my money? What if they install it within the three days since he was saying that night when he was trying to sell it to me that they could have it installed tomorrow? Would I still have the right to rescind within the 3 days?
I have not got that far yet. I am going to call them and purchase their product I just wanted to see if something does not seem right in the first 72 hours can I get out. I do not know if they have anything regarding 3 day rescission on their agreement yet. This is why I am here to see if I am covered by the law if they do not have anything on their agreement. I really appreciate your advice so far. Thanks again in advance for the help.
They will not install your water system until the three day right of recission is over.
They will not install your water system until the three day right of recission is over.

This is probably my guess. Why would any company expend significant resources for you to be able to quickly back out? They will probably wait until the deal is done and not able to be canceled (assuming it even is) and then perform the installation. What is there to think about, especially now when there is no pressure sale?
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