Thrown by friend's Horse-Can I sue?

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My jurisdiction is: ILINOIS

I was given permission by horse owner (friend of mine) to ride her horse that was boarded at a stable.( Owner of horse does not own stable, but rents space there.) The owner was originally there to give permission to ride stating go ahead and ride and have a good time. I was thrown off of the horse when horse reared and bucked. I went over the horses head and landed on my shoulder breaking my collar bone in 4 places and sufferred a brachial plexis nerve injury and now frozen shoulder injury. I have continued pain and have not been able to work for six months. I am still treating and will be seeing a Chicago top doc soon for further advise. No surgery has been done yet. I anticipate a long grueling recovery but am unsure if I will ever be able to use this arm without pain. Who is responsible for my medical bills? Can I get SSDI for me and my son who is 13 years old? (I am married to a fireman). I need help for shopping and other activities and can't do my job that requires the use of both arms. What legal recourse would be available to me? Would the horse owner's home owners insurance cover this? Would the stable have insurance that would cover this if it occurred on their property. No waivier was signed by me. I am at a loss as to what to do next. I have not contacted an attorney, nor do I particularly wish to get one at this time as this was a friend. I am looking for options to consider, first.
Without getting a personal injury lawyer, it can be difficult to find out what avenues for recovery might be open to you. You'd need to know what your friend's policy covers to know whether you might be able to recover under it. You need to know what the stable's insurance covers. Somebody needs to ask those questions - if you're comfortable doing it, then go ahead.

Do you have personal injury insurance that might cover this? I'd look to that before I'd look to your friend or the stable. I see no indication in your story that either of those should be liable.

I don't know anything about SSDI, but it can't hurt to apply. You might be able to figure out whether you qualify here:
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