Tickets For A Vehicle I Sold 6 Months Ago

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I live in California and sold a motor scooter back in March2008.
Last week I started getting parking tickets for the scooter. It appears that the person I sold it to, sold it to someone else. This person is getting all these parking tickets (nearly $1000 worth now) and the motor scooter is still registered in my name. (They are driving it without proper registration.)
Is there anything I can do to contest these tickets? Everyone I've talked to at DMV is saying that I'm stuck with the bills and any others that might come my way in the future.
Someone help me PLEASE!!!!
Is there a particular reason as of why you didn't transfer ownership when you sold the scooter?
Just Stupidity

We just moved to CA, and thought all we had to do was sign the title over to the new owner... which was what we did. I saw (what I NOW know) the "Release of Liability" tab at the bottom, and when I asked the buyer if that was something I had to fill out, he said he would take care of it.
We just moved to CA, and thought all we had to do was sign the title over to the new owner... which was what we did. I saw (what I NOW know) the "Release of Liability" tab at the bottom, and when I asked the buyer if that was something I had to fill out, he said he would take care of it.
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