Timely filing of lien...


New Member
I work for land surveyors. We were contacted by a realtor (the "Realtor") and asked to prepare an elevation certificate, among other things, for one of their clients, (the "Homeowner") who was selling his home. Before we had completed the work we received a telephone call from the Homeowner. He stated that there had been a falling out between the Realtor and the buyer and that the sale had tanked. In the course of that conversation, he also stated that the Realtor told him she had already paid us for our services which, as of that date, had not even been invoiced yet. When we informed the Homeowner of this fact, he responded by giving us his address and asking us to invoice him directly instead of the Realtor. With respect to timely filing of Mechanic's lien, does the fact that the Homeowner instructed us to bill him directly make us the general contractor on this project. Or would we still be considered a sub since we were hired by the Realtor.
Realtors generally don't pay for anything and just act as agents for their clients.

What do you have in writing from the realtor regarding your assignment?

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