Title work


New Member
North Carolina
Please help!! Seller refuse to sign title work correctly. Dmv, bank, and myself have contacted her numerous times. When she realizes its the bank she stops answering phone. The bank has a copy of her ID. They even told her to come there if she cant make it to the DMV. I cant get a title until she signs the title correctly. She had a POA to sale car. She signed her name first instead of her grandmother's name. Now the bank is saying I will have to take a personal loan with higher interest rate. But what about the title! I would never be able to sale car.
Maybe you were scammed? Scammer could have "sold" a car she did not own, scamming you and real owner of the car.

Looks like scammer might be shooting or snorting your money, mate.

Call the police, see what police suggest.

Every five year old kid knows only hand over your item to be traded at the exact time the other kid hands his over to you.
Try sending a letter stating that if she doesn't sign by x date then you will proceed with obtaining a bonded title and you will sue her in small claims court for your costs.

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