Too much power in dss

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I'm a mother of 3grown children nd a grandmother of a 3 1/2 yr old. I thought my days of diapers nd potty training nd all that was behind me , thought too soon. In 2011 I was introduced to a friend of my ex boyfriend who was pregnant. She was already a mother of 3 that she didn't have. Her nd her babys dad didn't have much so I starting buying things for them. We got to kno each other pretty well. A BEAUTIFUL LIL GIRL was born in april of that yr nd was taken into dss custody. When the parents were ordered supv visits 1day a wk for 1hr. They invited me nd my ex to visit as well. So, I have been with this lil girl SINCE BIRTH. Long story short. Father was supposed to ve getting custody of baby nd I was approached by dss if I would be willing to be a " FULL TIME BABYSITTER" meaning that the father wold have her on weekends. That was agreed nd my home nd household members were approved. Right before this was to be in front of a judge it got changed. I was called nd asked if I would become full time provider nd become licensed. I agreed. But before I did all the paperwork nd the classes nd all that. They placed her in my home with me. I had her with monthly visits from dss nd infants & toddlers nd had GLOWING REMARKS ALL THE WAY. Well in May of 2012 the birth mother gave birth to twin girls. I was called nd asked if I would take 1of the twins bc the other one wouldn't b leavin the hosp for a VERY LONG TIME. I agreed to take her as well. Now I have 2 beautiful lil girls in my home who r doing EXTREMELY well. My ex nd I completed all recommendations / requirements by dss to be a licensed foster home. Actually prior to the t wins being born, dss called me nd asked me if I would want to adopt the lil girl I've had. I jumped nd sd yes. THEN the 2nd one came nd the other twin stayed in the hosp the whole first yr. I NEVER recvd a dime from dss the whole first yr I NEVER wanted their money. After the training class nd they got all they needed I was told I was licensed. That was August 2012. There has NEVER been not even a cross word this ENTIRE TIME. The kids atty and All parties involed Sd nothing BUT GLOWING things to the judge. They try took the loves of my life away from me 2 days ago because they got audited nd the workers did NOT do their jobs nd they HAD TO BLAME SOMEONE ND THEY BLAMED ME . I was involved in a meeting in june when the worker sd she needed some info nd they had to have it by the 31st of july or they were taking my kids. I GAVE THEM EVERY THING.THAT.THEY.ASKED. FOR THAT I COULD PHYSICALLY BRING THEM. I have proof orf it all. I was called last thurs nd was told that we we re having a fam mtg to dicuss the other twin comin home. I had gotten there late bc of being pulled over for a brake lite being out. But when I got there I walked in hearing this woman tellin the bio dad that they'll get over her , u can see them a few times till they get adopted. I didn't even sit down before they told me they were takin my babies when asked they sd they didn't get wat they wanted. Yes they did. Thwn she says "BECAUSE I CAN, I HAVE THAT POWER". THEY TOOK MY LIL GIRLS WHO ONLY KNEW ME ND MY FAMILY ND TRAUMATIZED THEM OVER THEIR ASS getting in trouble bc they got audited nd it fell on me. I am going to meet with the state senator next week . The high up person in dss said to me " U R NOTHING TO THEM, THEY R NOTHING TO U ND U WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN. ". I SD Y WOULD U TAKE MY BABIES ND SHE JUST SMIRKED ND SD "I CAN.TAKE ANY KID AT ANY TIME ND MOVE THEM IF I WANT , I HAVE THAT POWER"!!!!. WTF????? Who in the hell gave these ppl this kind of authority?? Y don't we stand up nd MAKE that change??? THE DSS HERE IS THE MOST CORRUPT , ILLEGAL LYING BUNCH OF BITCHES I HAVE EVER COME ACROSS. I will NOT STOP TRYING TO GET THE GIRLS BK THAT I HAVE RAISED ND THEY made my own. I guess they're right when they tell u " we gave u them we can take them". PLZ SOMEONE HELP ME SAVE.MY BABIES. IM THE ONLY MOTHER THEY KNO ND HAVE. ALSO, the parents signed their rights over ONLY as long as I ADOPT THEM...PLZ HELP ME!!!!
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