Tools Held For Ransom

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My Husband was hired by a private individual who he has worked for in the past remodeling his home. This particular job was an outside job building a patio.

My husband has noticed that his employer is becoming a little senile a few times he's forgotten to pay him and he has written his pay check out in the wrong name. Now his employer has claimed that he paid him for a day that he didn't work , he claims that it rained that day and my husband didn't work and wants his money back. And he is holding his tools ransom. until he pays him back the money.

My husband has told him that he has proof that it didn't rain on that particular day.. And told him where he can go on the Internet himself and check the weather history for his area. But he's to stubborn to check , It's been two weeks now and he's still has my husbands tools..

What my question is would it be proper to print out the proof that it didn't rain that day and my husband have an officer escort him to the home of his employer to get his tools back, if not how do you handle this situation?

Thank you for your time,

I would definitely call the police and ask them "keep the peace" while you try to get your tools. While the police will not get involved (and may not be willing to come out) in forcing him to give back the tools, having them their may bring clarity to the situation. Even if he is right about the overpayment he is not allowed to hold your tools. You can sue him for the value of the tools and any lost work you may have experienced.

Happy Thanksgiving. I charge double for advice on holidays (Free Free).
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