Toxic Work Places

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Jan 11 2005

To Whom It May Concern.

Wow what an experience.
I was employed at Gal Power Systems in Mississiauga to work on diesel generator
I was working on a pair of 16 v 92 Detroit diesel generator sets at
4160 volt at a facility called the South West Regional Center in
Chatham Ontario.
I was requested by the project manager Moe Gallick of the Ontario
Realty Corporation to supply and install some fuel system components
at an Ontario Provincial Police transmitter tower close by.
When I went there to do the work I saw that this was an old abandoned
site no longer in use.
I was let into the building and began work.
As I was working I noticed the building had a an unusual amount of rat
poison or toxic chemicals distributed inside the building.
No breathing equipment or protective clothing were supplied by either
my employer Gal Power Systems , The Ontario Realty Corporation or the
Ontario Provincial Police.
Mr Gallick did not spend very much time in the building.
I completed the work.
Shortly after this I had to seek medical attention within the Ministry
of Health and was of work for close to a year.
This was a deliberate act.
I almost died.
This act of incompetence was the end of a series of poisonings that
started a couple of years earlier when I was working at Harper Detroit
Diesel on a project at Mississauga Hydro , probably continued when I
was hired by Thomson Technology in British Columbia and almost ended
in my death at Gal Power Systems.
Talk about bad politics or a toxic work place.
That's kind of the ultimate.
Some people say there is no corruption here in Canada.
The harrasment in my work place to date is unbelievable as far as off colour and
snide comments about my mental health.
There is much more to the story.

Gerry Duffett
14-4218 Lawrence Ave E Box 218
Scarborough Ontario
Canada M1E4X9
I see you're posting this on multiple employment law boards today, Gerry. Not only do all the boards I've seen you on only address U.S. laws, you haven't asked a question which is the only purpose of these boards. Further, by "naming names," you are leaving yourself open for a claim of slander or defamation.
Poisoned Again ?

Poisoned Again !!!


Deadly Electronic Weapons.

Lethal Bullying.

Here's an odd occurance

Sunday September 10 2006

One of my favorite spots to rest is the north east section of Dixie Road and Hyway 401 in Mississauga, Ontario. There is a truck stop, gas bar, car wash and restaurant there. You can rest there and have a shower, usually no one bother's you there. I try to get lot's of rest when I'm not working because my health suffered greatly in the last few year's.
You can sleep and let the rush hour traffic die down.
It's usually pretty quiet there.

Monday September 11 2006

Woke up and had breakfast at the truck stop.
I usually don't eat meals there. There are a number of resaurant's and coffee shop's on Dixie Road.
Bacon and egg's over easy, coffee and a large milk.
There are no temporary assignment's as an electrician this week. I usually spend my day's at any one of a number of employment resource center's in the Toronto area looking for work.
I have a few errands to do.
Mid morning, something's not right, I get sick, I mean violently ill for about 2 hr's.
Maybe the truck stop has some food problem's.
I lay down Monday afternoon and sleep the rest of Monday and all night Monday.

Tuesday September 12 2006

Slept all day Tuesday and Tuesday night. Didn't hear a word.

Wednesday September 13 2006

Woke up mid morning, still not feeling well, numbness on left side of my face and in my left hand.
Wind up at Trillium Health Care Center in Mississauga in "Emergency". Health care worker's take blood work, electrocardiogram and C.A.T. scan.
Doctor states he's concerned with C.A.T. scan result's.
Show's mild stroke on left side of brain. Also show's what look's like a massive stroke on right side of brain, but this injury is year's old!
Could be from when someone poisoned me when I worked at Harper Detroit Diesel year's earlier.
Recommendations, 81 miligram Aspirin. this act's as a blood thinner, and lot's of rest.

Scary thought's

First of all no one has been arrested for poisoning me when I worked at Harper Detroit Diesel year's earlier.
These people are "still out there".
Is it possible that some of the staff at the truck stop were influenced by "gang stalkers" to join in the "fun".
It really is a sick society.
Maybe to try and finish the job off.
I indicated to the health care staff that I had been poisoned year's earlier by someone in my workplace.
Hopefully my blood work will be looked at in this light.

More test's in the health care system to follow.



Toronto / Ontario / Canada
Poisoned / Four Times

Poisoned / Four Times / Gangstalking

Lethal Bullying.

Deadly Electronic Weapons.


This will be 4 times now that I'm pretty sure someone either :
Poisoned my food or drinks.
Drugged my food or drinks.

Keep in mind when some one poisons or drugs you it's an extreme state of confusion.
Your system goes into toxic shock.
It's border line insanity.

First time :

The last few month's of 1997 when I was employed at Harper Detroit Diesel in Toronto.
I got really, really sick working at this employer.

Second time :

At Vancouver International Airport in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I was returning to Toronto after finishing a job interview

It took me two day's to come around and get out of the airport.
Slept in departures, I think, still not sure.
Missed my flight, no money, a friend paid for my flight back home.

Third time :

When I was working for Hydro One in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada at a transformer station switch yard called the "Scott Road Transformer Station".

Someone either poisoned me or drugged me when I had dinner at a local restaurant with the Hydro One crew I was working with after work.

Fourth time :

Someone either poisoned me or drugged me when I had breakfast at a truck stop at Dixie Rd. and Hyway 401 in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Husky Car/Truck Stop #1
1553 Shawson Drive
at Dixie Rd.
1 block North of # 401 Hwy.
401 & exit 346

Wound up in "emergency" at Trillium Health Care Center" in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

These are times that come to mind.

There may be other times that I'm not aware of.

My health started to fail during the last few month's of 1997 while I was still employed at Harper Detroit Diesel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
There was a "constructive dismissal" issue in progress aimed at me that I was not aware of at that time.

Extreme confusion.
Toxic shock.
Border line insanity.

I'm not even going to touch on this "directed energy weapon's" thing.

Thing's sure can get "twisted" in the workplace sometime's



Toronto / Ontario / Canada
Unable To Work

Gangstalking / Deadly Electronic Weapons / Lethal Bullying


I'm unable to work right now due to the "food
poisoning" issue I ran into on Monday September 11
2006 and wound up in "hospital emergency".
If that was deliberate I will probably never be able to prove
This resulted in a stroke.
Since September 11 2006 I have been to "hospital emergency" 2 more
times due to numbness in my legs.
Unable to walk.
The feeling returns after a short time.
Still not good.
I am exhausted.
I have also had numerous visits to various doctors who
are collecting diagnostic reports.
Blood testing is including any types of poisons I believe.
I may have to look at a disability income from "social
services" here.
It looks like work is out of the question right now.
How long is the wait time in "emergency" in the towns
you people are in.
Here in Toronto the average is 4 hours depending on
your urgency.
Toronto has about 4.5 million people.
I find some of these topics a little disturbing.
"Electronic Torture", "Gangstalking" and "Lethal Bulling", isn't that sick !
I got on the internet in January 2004 researching some
of the problems I ran into in my workplace in the last
part of 1997 and wound up posting them on my "board"
I will continue to collect and expedite information
from the internet to various groups here in Canada and worldwide.
Public awareness.
It is surprising the number of "web pages" about these topics that have
come online in the last 2 1/2 years that I have been on the internet.

Thank you.


Toronto / Ontario / Canada
Map / O.P.P. Transmitter Tower / Mini Gas Chamber




Tower location:

North / East section of Communication Road and Highway
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

This building was set up by Gal Power Systems, The
Ontario Realty Corporation and The Ontario Provincial
Police, loaded with toxic chemicals to serve as a mini
gas chamber to try and suffocate me.

I almost died and was off work for close to a year.

My health suffered greatly.



Toronto / Ontario / Canada
Nobody cares, Gerry. What would it take to make you go away?

In any case, posting a Canadian question on US law sites is pointless.
I am suffering illegal air surveillance and torture by radioactive weapons for long time in los angeles.
they trying to kill me slowly and softly. I have witness, I have photos and videos. Intimidation every night.
The reason: I become witness of satanic rituals in one place where I lived. I move to that place not knowing anything about what is going on there. All pure accident.
Awaking 2 am and listening people worshiping get up and I saw everything.
In panic and innocently asking what is going on to the manager.
Few days after that, one strange "fire" next to my house.
And the fire department come to inspect my house. They destroyed two doors of my apartment without any reason. I leave the place. Now I am followed by gangstalking people with cellular on subways, communication with helicopters etc.
Many strange events in bus, bookstores, etc. Researching on internet to discover thousands of cases like mine. What is happening here? Agencies financed to go after unprotected citizens? We are under martial law? Many military helicopters operating day and night
maybe doing the same thing with another people. They wait when you are alone
and them come cowardly in the night flying over your house to intimidate you.
Finally, if you go to the police you realize that all staged to destroy your credibility
or saying you are crazy etc. We feel that we are not protected against this. We fell that many institutions in America is abandoning us, the victims of this gangs.
Last edited:
Yeah, that happened to me, too!

I especially hate their intrusive, painful probings.

I am suffering illegal air surveillance and torture by radioactive weapons for long time in los angeles.
they trying to kill me slowly and softly. I have witness, I have photos and videos. Intimidation every night.
The reason: I become witness of satanic rituals in one place where I lived. I move to that place not knowing anything about what is going on there. All pure accident.
Awaking 2 am and listening people worshiping get up and I saw everything.
In panic and innocently asking what is going on to the manager.
Few days after that, one strange "fire" next to my house.
And the fire department come to inspect my house. They destroyed two doors of my apartment without any reason. I leave the place. Now I am followed by gangstalking people with cellular on subways, communication with helicopters etc.
Many strange events in bus, bookstores, etc. Researching on internet to discover thousands of cases like mine. What is happening here? Agencies financed to go after unprotected citizens? We are under martial law? Many military helicopters operating day and night
maybe doing the same thing with another people. They wait when you are alone
and them come cowardly in the night flying over your house to intimidate you.
Finally, if you go to the police you realize that all staged to destroy your credibility
or saying you are crazy etc. We feel that we are not protected against this. We fell that many institutions in America is abandoning us, the victims of this gangs.
And you opened a thread that is nearly seven years old to berate me for a response to which you do not know the history?

Tell me again who's lame?
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