transfering real estate out of an estate

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my father passed away two years ago. i am the adminstrator of his estate and only air. since his passing my husband and i have been paying his bank note. how can i transfer my dad's doublewide trailer and lot(s) out of the estate and over to my husband? what is the fastest and easiest way to do this?
my father passed away two years ago. i am the adminstrator of his estate and only air. since his passing my husband and i have been paying his bank note. how can i transfer my dad's doublewide trailer and lot(s) out of the estate and over to my husband? what is the fastest and easiest way to do this?

There is no FAST way.
Well, there might be a slick way that appears faster, but its ILLEGAL.
You need to probate his estate.
Probating an estate is difficult because no people (hence no two estates) are alike.
That can often be complicated and fraught with landmines.
You could face civil and criminal penalties if you mess it up.
Most people hire a lawyer to guide them through it.
Some people take out a bond or obtain insurance.

The state also wants their cut.
In some cases, the state will seal 50% (or more) of the estate.
So, that's one reason they are sticklers for doing it right, they want their cut!
In Georgia, your state touts that its process is more streamlined and cheaper than in other states.
A probate can be completed in 12-18 months in GA.
Other states say it takes 3-4 years.
Again, its about the complexity of the estate, and if someone wants to fight over the decedent's stuff.

You say you paid the note.
I suggest you discuss that with an attorney, too.
And, you can forget about transferring ANYTHING until a probate judge has scoured everything.

Read these sites and educate yourself:
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