Transferring Child Support case from Oklahoma to Texas

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In early 2012 I decided that the father of my son needed to help provide for our child and went after him for a support order. In June of 2012 I found that he'd be paying $200 a month, I asked the Oklahoma Child Support Agency if he'd be paying retroactive child support and they told me that they would not handle that for me. In July of 2012 I received my first child support payment and ended up moving to Texas. The OK Child Support Agency told me in order to transfer the case I would need to hire a lawyer and get the father to agree. A few weeks ago I received a letter from them stating that I had 45 days to transfer the case or have it terminated. I've started that process. I want to state of Texas to go after the father for retroactive support because he KNEW of his child and did nothing until I took him to court over it and even then denied our child until a paternity test was forced upon him. I want to know what my legal rights are when it comes to retroactive support? Can the state of Texas go after him for retroactive support? Can I go after him for retroactive support? How do I go about it?
In early 2012 I decided that the father of my son needed to help provide for our child and went after him for a support order. In June of 2012 I found that he'd be paying $200 a month, I asked the Oklahoma Child Support Agency if he'd be paying retroactive child support and they told me that they would not handle that for me. In July of 2012 I received my first child support payment and ended up moving to Texas. The OK Child Support Agency told me in order to transfer the case I would need to hire a lawyer and get the father to agree. A few weeks ago I received a letter from them stating that I had 45 days to transfer the case or have it terminated. I've started that process. I want to state of Texas to go after the father for retroactive support because he KNEW of his child and did nothing until I took him to court over it and even then denied our child until a paternity test was forced upon him. I want to know what my legal rights are when it comes to retroactive support? Can the state of Texas go after him for retroactive support? Can I go after him for retroactive support? How do I go about it?

Yes, in Texas retroactive support can be awarded.
There are some actions one must have taken.

The state will assist you in obtaining support.
Texas is very aggressive in making the deadbeats pay, and brother do they pay.

Here's where you can open your case online:

Read about the process:

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You can't go after retroactive support once there is an initial CS order in place. You will need to take all your paperwork, including all court orders with you to a CS office in your county to see exactly what you need to do to transfer/domesticate the order.
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