Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Tripped by loss prevention

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So, i was caught shoplifting, which I know was wrong and I do not mind paying my dues for my mistake. My question is upon exiting the store I had been stopped had went to grab my purse and walk away. I was then tripped by the loss prevention agent who than began wrestling me to the ground, mind you I was not resisting. I ended up all scratched up even had holes in my jeans from all of force used. I have worked retail in the past and from what I recall you were not allowed to touch or grab people upon exiting let alone trio them, and the LP agents denied doing it and failed to put that in their statement. I would like to know my rights? Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. Katie
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Policy varies by store. If you were injured you should have seen a Doctor. You can discuss your options with an Attorney but this wont help you escape consequences for the theft
...had went to grab my purse and walk away. ...mind you I was not resisting.

Trying to walk away certainly is resisting.

If you plan on continuing this thread then please learn how to type. Your post is difficult to read.

If you have been criminally charged then you need an attorney. You can discuss the specifics of your situation with him.
If there was enough force used to rip clothing then I would expect there was a certain amount of resistance.
You don't mention if police were called but I would expect so if there was a physical altercation. Did you report this to them?

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