Truancy: Parent Contributing?

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New Member
Hi there. I recently received a notice from our county municpal court that I have been charge with "Parent Contributing to Non-Attendance, Ages 6-17". I was shocked to received this, since I personally drop my 16 year-old off at school each day and is either picked up by me or rides a bus home. After talking to my child, he admitted to missing classes or parts of classes within a school day (by going to areas inside the building where he wasn't supposed to be, or going outside).

We DID have this issue with my child in the fall and he faced various consequences for his skipping class (detention, suspension and a stay in the alternative learning center for a few days). Since the stay in the alternative learning center in January, I have not been notified of any additional problems at all.

I understand that I am ultimately responsible for my son and his actions. My question is this: at what point does the school become responsible for keeping track of a minor child that I drop off to them each day and to whom I entrust his care?

Thank you for your time.
What state is this in?

- Carl
I am curious as to the outcome or any response to this as I am in the same situation. My son and I received a notice for Truancy court as he was in school but not in one or two classes during the day. Any advice for going before the court?
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