Trump Headed for Popular Vote and Electoral College Win!!!

army judge

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Dick Morris, a close adviser to former president Donald Trump and host of "Dick Morris Democracy" on Newsmax, believes that recent polls showing a tied race between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris actually indicate a Trump lead in the Electoral College.

In an appearance on "Saturday Report," Morris discussed the latest polling data showing a neck-and-neck race between Trump and Harris.

Morris observed that while the Real Clear Politics average and the Times-Siena poll show the race tied at 48%, the underlying dynamics favor Trump in the Electoral College.

"I just want to make a point, though, when the media shows a tie race, like the Times-Siena poll did for between Trump and Harris in the popular vote, what they're really saying is that Trump is beating Harris by 2 to 3 points in the Electoral College," he explained.

He elaborated on the distinction between the popular vote and the Electoral College, using the 2016 election as an example.

"Remember, in 2016 ... the popular vote was 3% for Hillary. And yet she got massacred in the Electoral College," Morris said, attributing this to the influence of populous states like New York and California on the popular vote. "The states in the Electoral College, which are not biased that way, end up reflecting a much higher Republican and conservative vote."

"If you look through the national polling, there are very few, if any, that show more than a three-point margin for Harris ... that says that those polls are showing a massive Trump win in the Electoral College. And I think that's clearly what you're looking at," he added.

"It just all tilted very rapidly because the media has been so pro-Harris and so anti-Trump," Morris said, suggesting that last-minute shifts could alter the current race as well.

Morris emphasized that Trump supporters' discussions and information sharing could be pivotal in shifting the race.

"The difference between victory and a landslide is really going to be the word of mouth of the Trump supporters," he said, highlighting the importance of grassroots communication outside the media as Election Day draws closer.
POSTER'S NOTE: I'm going out on a limb with an early election prediction.
In fact, I'll predict Trump receives at least 375 electoral college votes, while Harris obtains 163. Furthermore, Trump will gather more popular votes than Harris.

Presidential Candidate
EC Votes
Needed to Win
popular vote
Donkey (Harris)
Elephant (Trump)

Will the yolk be on ME? Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! Alternatively, it might end another way.

However, I might end up patting myself on my back!!!!!

YESSSSS, I'll be giving myself a pat on my back!!!

Will the yolk be on ME? Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! Alternatively, it might end another way.

However, I might end up patting myself on my back!!!!!

YESSSSS, I'll be giving myself a pat on my back!!!
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It isn't over until the fat lady sings.

I've often heard that saying.

Truth is during my many decades God has allowed me to exist on this planet, I've seen many things end.

Other than a few opera performances, I've never seen the obese human you alluded to hereinabove appear.

I've seen an occasional obese human perform PRIOR to baseball, football, and hockey games. I've yet to see one perform as the event ended, other than as referenced above.
It isn't over until the fat lady sings.

Exactly right. Most polling has the two candidates at even, taking into account the margin of error so at this point predictions of who will win are no more than guesses/gut feelings (and perhaps nudged in one direction or the other due to bias for or against one of the candidates. I wish that this would motivate every eligible voter to vote and make it truly a decision that the majority of Americans want, not just the candidate who got a little more than 25% of the all eligible voters (a little over 50% of the half of the population that actually takes the few minutes it takes to vote).
Other than a few opera performances, I've never seen the obese human you alluded to hereinabove appear.

"It ain't over 'til (or until) the fat lady sings" is a colloquialism which is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still in progress. More specifically, the phrase is used when a situation is (or appears to be) nearing its conclusion. It cautions against assuming that the current state of an event is irreversible and clearly determines how or when the event will end. The phrase is most commonly used in association with organized competitions, particularly sports.

The phrase is generally understood to be a reference to opera sopranos, who were typically heavyset. The imagery of Wagner's opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen and its last part, Götterdämmerung, is typically used in depictions accompanying uses of the phrase. The "fat lady" is thus the valkyrie Brünnhilde, who was traditionally presented as a very buxom lady. Her farewell scene lasts almost twenty minutes and leads directly to the finale of the whole Ring Cycle. As Götterdämmerung is about the end of the world (or at least the world of the Norse gods), in a very significant way "it is [all] over when the fat lady sings."


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