Trump said, "Biden Is a Very Angry Man, as He Should Be"!!!

army judge

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Former President Donald Trump came out swinging against the Democratic Party's treatment of President Joe Biden Thursday morning, posting on social media that Biden is "an angry man, as he should be" for what the party did to him.

"Kamala Harris wants NOTHING TO DO WITH CROOKED JOE BIDEN," Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social platform. "They stole the Presidency from him — '
It was a Coup!'"

Politico reported on Wednesday that Biden remains bitter over how the Democrats swapped him out for Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the presidential ticket in late July.

According to the outlet, the president's anger is mainly directed at former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who orchestrated the behind-the-scenes machinations that led to Biden's resignation from the race.

Biden is also reportedly "frustrated" that former President Barack Obama, under whom he served as vice president, did not discuss his concerns with him, and he is "miffed" at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

In his Thursday post, Trump asserted that Biden, at this point, is more upset with his old allies than he is with his former GOP rival.

"He now HATES Obama and Crazy Nancy more than he hates me!" he wrote.

The former president also seemingly commented on reports that Biden has been invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Monday.

"They are throwing him out on the Monday Night Stage, known as Death Valley," Trump wrote.

The time slot is on opening night, which the 45th president claimed during a North Carolina speech on Wednesday is generally reserved for second-string speakers.

The DNC is set to take place Monday, Aug. 19, through Thursday, Aug. 22, in Chicago, where delegates are expected to rally around Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

I am not watching any of that cluster, Beyonce is going to sing freedom. She might as well sing Banana Republic Oligarchy clown show. God protected Trump from a bullet, may their clown show be exposed for the propaganda which it is.
Sadly, I don't think those who chose to support a DONKEY will ever choose another animal.

Socialism will one day morph into communism.

Get out now, if you can.

I know it, Belize, Spain and even Portugal are great options. Reagan once said that tyranny was only one generation away- appears it was 4 or 5 or so but yeah things will eventually decay and the great Empire of the West will eventually fail from those you destroyed it.
Belize has five of the most beautiful beaches on the planet. Plus, English is their official language. Truth be told, most of their citizens are multilingual.

Languages Spoken In Belize

Belize was originally inhabited by indigenous peoples, specifically from the Maya civilization. The first European explorers to land here were from Spain. Although they claimed the territory, they did not establish permanent settlements. English and Scottish settlers eventually arrived in the 17th and 18th centuries. They founded settlements and began a trade industry that involved the African slave trade. As previously mentioned, the country remained a British colony until 1981. This brief history helps with understanding the languages spoken in Belize today.


English continues to be the official language and is spoken by 62.9% of the population. The public school systems, government administrative offices, and news media are all carried out in English. Because English is also the dominant language in international business, the country made no move to establish a new official language with independence.


Spanish is the second most common language with 56.6% of the population speaking it. However, only around 30% of the population speak Spanish as their native language. Many of these individuals are immigrants who came to the country during the 1980s to escape the violence occurring throughout Central America at the time. Spanish is also taught in primary school to children who do not speak it as a native language.


Creole, or Kriol, is the third most commonly spoken language. Approximately 44.6% of the population speak this language. Creole is based on English and influenced by Miskito (a Native American language) and West African and Bantu languages. It is considered the lingua franca of the country and is spoken by people of Creole ethnicity as well as other minority ethnic groups like Garifuna, Maya, and Mestizo.

Mayan Languages

A small percentage of the population continues to speak indigenous Mayan languages. Q'eqchi' Maya, for example, is spoken by 6% of Belizeans. It is largely concentrated in the southern region of the country, where it is the first language of many of the communities. Researchers believe that before European colonization, Q'eqchi' was less common than Mopan. Today, Mopan is spoken by only 3.6% of the population. They believe Q'eqchi' was able to survive because it was geographically protected by the mountains from other language influences.


German is spoken by 3.2% of the population, a reflection of the Mennonite population living in Belize.
Yep, well the debate is what September 10th? Trump is to be sentenced on September 18th at which point in time he will be either under house arrest so he can't campaign or locked up altogether. Then the socialist policies Kamala wants to adopt will come to pass. Federal government involved in food pricing indicates to me that bread could be a thousand dollars or more. This country then becomes communist, the only difference between now and then is people were willing to die to remain free. Now they will just flee the country to get away from the communists. History is one whereby it is bound to be repeated.

Yet, as you said most of the blue low IQ democrats will continue to vote for the donkeys. They get free everything including a Beyonce and Megan the Stallion concerts to appease them and make them look like they could draw crowds instead of the flies that they normally draw. The MSM keeps beating their drums and will end up eating their own.
The MSM keeps beating their drums and will end up eating their own.

Bottom line, the only winner (and use singular tense rather than plural) is because when the worst comes to pass, there will only be one winner.

Which the winner will soon discover himself/itself/herself was actually the last loser standing!

The rest of us will be treated to what caused dinosaurs to disappear.

Who killed what we all once knew to be "The American Dream"???

Dead is simply dead.
Yep, well the debate is what September 10th? Trump is to be sentenced on September 18th at which point in time he will be either under house arrest so he can't campaign or locked up altogether.

I'm hearing via underground sources that there might not be a debate.

Either way, debate or not, we're all losers, no matter the outcome.
I'm hearing via underground sources that there might not be a debate.

Either way, debate or not, we're all losers, no matter the outcome.

Maybe, but I doubt it. They will have Kamala so rehearsed and scripted up that she will know the answers before the questions even come. With all they put Trump through it should be sending off alarms to any country which considers themselves a democracy. Kamala a candidate who didn't get one delegate when it came time to vote for their candidate is now thrust into the number 1 position.

Trump said he didn't want to prosecute Hillary, and never did. Regardless of who you vote for any party that subjects the opponent to continued attacks both through operatives and agents in order to kill, suppress, and otherwise destroy is very Putin-esque of them. Imagine them doing this to any Republican candidate that comes along regardless of Trump's misnomers. It sets an unconstitutional standard but ole Hussein Obama stated along that the constitution is in his way. Guess this is what the wanna be socialist dictator meant.
They will have Kamala so rehearsed and scripted up that she will know the answers before the questions even come

US Federal elections take far too long to arrive, with too many wasted weeks/months "campaigning" or "begging" for money and votes!

Candidates throw away millions of dollars on useless propaganda, posing as "advertisements".

The inappropriately named "debates", more like "arguments", or "insult sessions", blaming, shaming, misinforming, and defaming voters and the opposing candidates; need to be banished permanently.

I've never understood why the primary season, followed by a convention takes months, some might say almost a year and a half to arrive.

I've made many important decisions in my personal and business life. I've never cogitated over any such decision more than three or four hours.

Oh well, I'll never see any positive changes to our election processes anyway. That said, I've decided to adapt the process used by these three, now FOUR famous primates.

Planned Parenthood having free abortions and vasectomy at the DNC should tell you all you need to know about these people. For whatever reason the DNC focus on the anti capitalist woke losers who can not think for themselves and believe the government should provide everything they need. Where are the days of the Kennedy democrats asking not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country?

The democrats hate humanity, hate themselves, hate patriotic America and want to turn us into some sort of socialist oligarchy where we have fixture characters of all the different diversity groups that they can invent out of thin air. Until I see democrats play patriotic music at their events, wave an American flag, have a message for everyone instead of a select few, and want to include everyone. How can they have a message for everyone? when all they want is what is best for the inner city liberal kingdoms of hell on earth.
Planned Parenthood having free abortions and vasectomy at the DNC should tell you all you need to know about these people.

If a female seeks an abortion, its said by many to okay.

On the other hand, leave a dog or six year old alone in a car on a 90 degree day, the child dies, the parent/guardian is charged with negligent homicide, manslaughter, and/or child neglect.

So many contradictions to unravel.
If a female seeks an abortion, its said by many to okay.

On the other hand, leave a dog or six year old alone in a car on a 90 degree day, the child dies, the parent/guardian is charged with negligent homicide, manslaughter, and/or child neglect.

So many contradictions to unravel.

I am not taking a stance on abortions either way, in some they are medical necessity but to do this at your convention. They are booked solid as I might tell you as well. This just reeks of the foul stench that is the DNC.
I think they have more on Biden than just his polling numbers. He and his family has always benefited from tax payer deals that he has been a part of. Including him being caught on tape telling a Ukraine news agency that he would not release money to them until they replaced a prosecutor coming after his family for corruption. The prosecutor was replaced and then we released the money. I think this might more or less actually have to deal with those kickbacks to the Big Guy, if you will. While the Lame Stream media has buried the impeachment papers drafted against Biden, and the attempted assassination of President Trump.

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