I had my boyfriend take out a car for me and put under his name license plate and all. But we made a deal i was to pay for the car payments and insurance . We broke up and I want my car back knowing he's an alcoholic i don't want my well spend money down the drain!! i fell helpless because i didn't know i couldve been a cosigner to the car !
Sorry, if the title is in his name, he can use the car.
I say USE, because when you STOP paying, he'll have to pay to keep the car.
Your deal means nothing legally, seems as if you made a deal with a cheating, lying, double crosser.
The good news for you is that the loan is in his name.
You can't get any of your money back, because you legally gave that crook a gift.
Al you need to do now, is stop paying.
When you stop paying, he'll have to pay to keep HIS car.
If he doesn't pay the loan, the REPO MAN will take the care, and his once good credit will be dinged and dented!!!!