trying to get true info

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Hi, I live in Illinois, and a couple years ago I got arrested and charged with a felony for misuse of a credit card. The Judge ordered me on probation, and once I have paid back all restitution I would be off probation and my charge will be plead down to a misdemeanor. I have now chose to go to college and get my assocaites in admin of justice. Will that charge affect me getting on at a PD once I graduate?
Hi, I live in Illinois, and a couple years ago I got arrested and charged with a felony for misuse of a credit card. The Judge ordered me on probation, and once I have paid back all restitution I would be off probation and my charge will be plead down to a misdemeanor. I have now chose to go to college and get my assocaites in admin of justice. Will that charge affect me getting on at a PD once I graduate?

It might.
You should check with the court and see what your charges have become.
If you now have a misdemeanor, your conviction might not be a legal bar.
But, the decision would remain in the hands of your potential employer.
Some police departments might exclude you.
I know people with misdemeanor convictions that are sworn law enforcement officers.

If I were you, I'd try and find out EXACTLY what my criminal record reveals.
Then I'd begin asking different law enforcement agencies what effect a misdemeanor conviction would have in their hiring decision.
Sometimes, counselors and instructors at your community college can provide you with valuable advice, as well!
Even as a misdemeanor, this will be something that you will have to disclose in the hiring process. This will not automatically bar you from employment, but it will certainly be a hurdle for you to clear.
You will be given opportunity in interviews to explain the situation, and the department will have to determine whether or not the feel you are a liability.
Competition for law enforcement jobs is pretty tough with most agencies. The further this incident fades into your past the less significant it will be. So long as you do not add to it with drug use, collections, etc then you should be able to find an agency willing to take you on.
Do yourself a favor and be honest and upfront about it. If you try to minimize it or obscure it in any way, do not expect to get hired. Also, when it comes time to fill out the paperwork regarding prior convictions, be sure to ASK about your situation to make sure you put it down on paper right. You will likely be told to mark that you have the felony, and will have opportunity to explain how it was later reduced. If you mark that it was a misdemeanor and the investigator later sees that it was originally a felony, it could create a problem.
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