I have a debt with ballys fitness center. This debt has now been sold to a collection agency by the name of Premiter. I thought that it will be easier to pay the bill then to dispute it. Because when it boils down I should have read thorouhly read what I was signing even though I repeatly told the repersentative at ballys I didnt want to be lock into a contract because I was getting married and soon would be having a baby. But anyway, this Primeter collection agency has repeatly denied my efforts of repaying this debt. I've told them what I make monthly and my bills and what I would be allowed to pay. My debt is now 2440.00 (because they are now continuing to accrue interest on the account). I have beg and borrowed about 900.00 to settle the account. They wouldnt accept that. They told me 1710.00 as a settlement or 2440.00 in 400.00 month payments until paid. Now I'm thinking, I was only able to come up with 900.00 from borrowing from my friends and family, why would I be able to get 1710.00. and 400.00 monthly......when you can obvious see that I cant afford that.....but they continue to tell me no, its in litigation, if its not what we say its nothing. Well suprise suprise I have nothing. From my understanding if this goes to court the judge will award the payments that i can afford which will be less then what i was offering (285.00 monthly on the settlement amount). I have no assets. what I dont understand. is this company paid cents on a dollar to get this debt. why not take what i can afford. Your going to get a profit no matter what. And why would u demand 400.00 payments from someone that couldnt pay 90.00 monthly payments. My question is what can I do about this. its on my credit report and I'm trying to pay it.....Do they have the write to turn my payments down?