Consumer Fraud unauthorized sex video posted on youtube

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i have made a sex video sometime last year with a man, i told him to never post that video out to no one. then later on the next day i asked him to delete the video. i found out that very same day that he sent my video out to the entire chatroom called (mocospace). now today i found out he posted my video on youtube.. he disgraced my name and my reputation. i need some help as to what i can do from this point.. i would like to sue this person. how can i do this and what steps do i need to take?? please help me thank u
Youtube does not permit such videos so it slikely removed and his account suspended or deleted. Contact any website that he submits to and request removal. Now since you made video and gave it to him its a gift and he owns it. he can what he wishes with sadly
You don't have anything to sue him for. The video was made with your consent and he can do what he wants with it. This is a lesson that too many people learn the hard way.

Your best option may be to flag the video on whatever site it is posted on and try to get the site host to remove it.
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