Under medical care and my job is threatning to terminate my job


New Member
I have been employed at First Data Corp. for 13 yrs. and now I'm under mental Care with my doctor and now my job is being threatned to terminate me.
I have been employed at First Data Corp. for 13 yrs. and now I'm under mental Care with my doctor and now my job is being threatned to terminate me.

An employer doesn't need to threaten an employee with termination, unless she or he enjoys pouring salt into open, bleeding wounds.

I suppose some people do enjoy being cruel.

Anyway, an employer can choose to terminate any employee without warning, without explanation, or because she or he enjoys hurting those under them.

Even an employment contract won't keep you employed, although it could keep the money flowing.
So, what has happened that your job is being threatened? How much time have you missed? Has the quality of your work suffered? Have their been complaints about you? What's going on?
Do you & your employer qualify for FMLA? We don't have much information here - more details would be helpful.

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