unemployment wanting money back????

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I have this friend that was getting unemployment and while he was getting it he happened to find a job, the job hardley paid him much with very, very few hours, he was only making 135 or less a month. While he was working there he called the unemployment office to see if it was alright and he could keep filing, the firl on the phone said yes, but you can't claim if you go over.
Well, eventually the unemployment ran out and so he called to see if he could restart it, this new girl that he talked to on the phone said oh no you cant do that, im going to report you and now the office is coming after him for his whole unemployment and more and they're garnishing his pay check from a new job that he got. Is this right?
I have this friend that was getting unemployment and while he was getting it he happened to find a job, the job hardley paid him much with very, very few hours, he was only making 135 or less a month. While he was working there he called the unemployment office to see if it was alright and he could keep filing, the firl on the phone said yes, but you can't claim if you go over.
Well, eventually the unemployment ran out and so he called to see if he could restart it, this new girl that he talked to on the phone said oh no you cant do that, im going to report you and now the office is coming after him for his whole unemployment and more and they're garnishing his pay check from a new job that he got. Is this right?

I can't say its right, but it is legal.
I'm sure there is more to the story, but I don't need to know any more.
If state unemployment officials believe you've been overpaid, they'll come after you.
They will get what they claim you owe.
You have a right to appeal.
Here's a link to Oregon's UI Agency.
Read thoroughly, as it advises you how to appeal, if you believe an error has been made.
Don't get your hopes up, they're the gubmint, they enjoy screwing citizens!

It was his responsibility to follow the rules. When he accepted unemployment benefits he signed papers indicating he understood what was expected of him.
In short, yes he could collect unemployment while working, however he was obligated to report that income regularly. If he failed to report how much monthly income he was receiving then he was not in compliance, and yes, the state will determine how much he was overpaid as a result and will get that money back.
The state eventually found out through tax records- so he didn't do himself any favors by not reporting.
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