Unexpected rent increase/ How much and what kind of notice?

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New Member
The other day my landlord came to me and announced that my rent was going to go up $100.00 as of the first of the month, ( two weeks notice ) because hiw bills for the house were going up. I have no lease, we operate month to month on a verbal agreement. 6 months ago when he purchsed the home and became my new landlord it was agreed by the two of us that he would not increase the rent for at least the first 6 months, and that he would give me a minimum 30 days notice. My question is how much can he increase the rent at one time, and how much notice is needed. Also this is an illegal apartment so I don't quite know what my rights are here.


it depends on your state's laws. But since you yourself state that you neither have a written contract nor a "legal apartment" (I assume you mean it violates a building code) you kind of can give the answer to yourself: If you want to stay there you probably have to go along with the increase. If you would fight it in court you would very probably be out of that apartment very soon.
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